5. Feelings

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"What do you mean you had a dream about Luca?!" Millie said slightly concerned.

"I don't know, it was so weird. We were in love, like it was our 4 month anniversary and honestly, it felt so real. Millie I'm worried, do I seriously like Luca?" I said sighing.

"I genuinely know you hate him, but this has got to mean something right?"

"Yeah, I guess." I said.

"I'm gonna talk to him actually, find out what he thinks of you." she said running off. I sighed, this isn't gonna be good.

"LUCA! OI, HERE, NOW!" Millie yelled. He stopped talking to his friends and walked over to Millie.


"I need to talk to you Luca, it's important."

"Go on, don't got all day."

"What do you think of Karmen? Like do you like her?

"No, I despise her, she annoys me all the time and I'm surprised she has friends."

"Little harsh Luca..."

"Sorry, if you want my honest opinion, you'll find out soon enough." He finally said walking off. Millie sighed and turned back to walk to me. I knew that hadn't worked out by the way she was walking.

"He likes you as a friend..." she lied. I looked at her and shook my head.

"No he doesn't." I said walking away. I felt tears in my eyes and for some reason I was upset. I just kept replaying last nights dream in my head. God I wish he liked me. Luca ran past me and stopped.

"Ugh, Karmen what's wrong?" He said still giggling. I turned to see what he was laughing at and saw three other boys and knew he was laughing at me.

"Stop crying pussy." one said

"Get over yourself, he got a girlfriend." another added

"See ya later bitch." The last one said. Luca looked at me as if to say "sorry" but continued to laugh as he walked away with his mates. I cried a little more as I ran to the bathroom. I felt sick. Luca and his friends sucked. I'm never gonna date Luca if he is friends with them. I need to get over him, and that's exactly what i'm gonna do.

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