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I slowly opened my eyes to see that I am still in the creepy box. I tried to keep my breathing calm and normal. I closed my eyes, trying not to remember that I'm in a small dark box that I believe is underground because it's freezing and it's hard to breathe. I just want my mates. I want to be in my mates' arms. Safe and wrapped in their cold arms. Not stuck in this FUCKING BOX!!!!


I slowly opened my eyes as my ears filled with the sound of something digging close to the box that I'm in. I tried to scream for help, but the muzzle made it so I couldn't move my mouth. Tears started to run down my face as some dust started to fill some of the boxes. That made whoever was digging, dig faster. Soon I looked around the box to see some light. 

"Carefully, lift the box." a familiar voice said making more tears fall down my face when I realized who it was. 

I felt the box get lifted out of the hole and was put on the ground. The cover was taking off making my eyes hurt from the bright light. I whimper before closing my eyes. I slowly started to open them up, getting my eyes used to the bright light. 

When I saw the worried looks of my mates, dad, and two of the top guards...I tried to move, only to remember the chains that are holding me down. 

Seeing this made the group of vampires move. Dad broke the chains holding my ankles down while Felix and Demetri ran to find Hunter.  Caius broke the chain holding my left arm while Aro broke the one holding my right arm. The second I was free, Marcus took the muzzle off before picking me up. 

He put me down on the ground before he put his hands on both sides of my face. A tear fell as he carefully wiped my cheeks with his thumbs. No matter how hard I tried to calm down, I was not able to stop. 

Marcus gave me a small smile before he let go of my face. I looked at my dad to see that he looks mad and sad at the same time. I ran towards him before hugging him as tight as I could. I buried my head into his clothed chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay, Amb......Your safe now." Dad said as he up his head on top of mine. 

I cried into his chest. "Shh, it's Amber. We will not let anything happen to you." Dad said as he started to rub my back. Trying to calm me down, but no matter what...I can not stop crying. Even in the safety of my dad's arms isn't helping. 

Dad lightly let go of me making me slowly let go of him. I looked up at him before he kissed my forehead. 

I wiped my tears as I tried to calm down. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look to see that it was Aro. Please tell me that he is not using his powers on me. Without thinking, I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. Holding me close to him. He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close to him. I put my head on his chest. My lungs filling with his scent. I felt a piece of clothing, touching my back. 

I felt Aro try to let go of me. I looked up at him before I let go of him. I looked to see that Marcus was wrapping his cape around me. After he wrapped the cape around me, Aro lifted me from the ground, holding me like a husband would hold his wife. I put my head on his shoulder. HE made sure that I was safe in his arms. 

I looked to see Felix and Demetri walking towards us with a hurt Hunter in their hands. "Don't worry my dear......he will be in a different car than you," Caius said as he glared at Hunter. 

Caius looks like he would murder Hunter, which I will be okay with. I do not care about him. Why would I care about him after everything that he has put me through? I put my head back on Aro's shoulder, not wanting to see Hunter anymore. 

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