Night Out

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Night Out

Jo fumed in her room, why do you feel like this, Jo?!

She paced back and forth unwilling to admit she had lost her fight to her feelings. She drifted back and forth, What are you doing? Stop it, right now! You are not supposed to feel this way.

All she could think about was Violetta and her becoming Mrs. Theodore Laurence, she grumbled at the thought of someone taking Laurie away from her. Jo sat on her bed and thought about how irrational she was being. She thumped down onto her mattress and sat there in her thoughts.

Laurie, on the other hand, was ecstatic; he ran into his room and jumped onto his grandiose bed.

Something's changed, Laurie decided.

Back at the Brookes' house, Meg was preparing dinner over her ever-growing belly. She worked tirelessly as she prepared a beautiful roast with potatoes, accompanied by a wonderful pie for dessert. John, coming back from work, stepped into the wonderful delight of Mrs. Brooke's cooking, "My dear, that smells delicious."

"It's the best I could do, considering I am exhausted from carrying a human!" Meg gently placed her hand on her stomach.

John gave her and his soon-to-be child a soft kiss, "Did you have a good day?"

Meg loved him dearly, "Yes, I did. I am just so excited to spend time with everyone tonight. It will feel normal, almost."

"Hopefully it won't be as awkward as our last family dinner, poor Dario," John sympathetically noted.

Meg replied, "He's right though, everyone knows it."

Amy entered the house without any knock whatsoever, "I know, he really is! Jo's in love with Laurie and she knows it too, stubborn old bat."

"Amy, you know it's polite to knock before entering someone's house?" Dario added.

"My house is your house," John corrected Dario.

"Dario, I would have you know that Meg and I established that rule long ago-- my house would be hers and her mine," Amy lovingly poked at Dario.

"I guess things are just different where I am from." Dario blushed.

John noticed his embarrassment, "No need to worry, us Americans have a certain knack for being unique."

Jo and Laurie were running late, as usual. Twenty minutes after Amy and Dario arrived, the four heard a knock at the door and whispers behind it, "Teddy you are so weird, stop knocking! It's Meg and John for God's sake! Open the door!"

"I was only trying to be polite," Teddy kindly retorted.

Dario decided to break the tension between the two best friends and opened the door, "Laurie, don't you know that there was a rule made a long time ago? All the sisters share the same house, no matter where they are or whose house it is."

Amy and Meg glanced at each other, "I love him so much!" Meg mouthed to her sister.

"I know, I love him too," Amy mouthed back.

Laurie shrugged, "Look at Dario, one day and he already knows more about the family than I do."

"I beg to differ," Jo inputted.

Jo kissed Meg, shook John's hand, nodded to Dario, and embraced Amy, all while carrying her jar of pickled limes. Jo laughingly gave the gift to Meg, "A 'thank you' present."

Everyone cracked up, Meg replied "Why Amy are you jealous? A whole jar of pickled limes to myself and you don't get any!"

"Believe it or not, I think I might be pickled-out!" Amy chortled.

Jo and Laurie: A Re-telling of the Re-tellingWhere stories live. Discover now