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Summary:What if Spencer was with Morgan when he got kidnapped?

Savannah can't describe the feeling with one word that he feels when she sees Spencer sitting on the ground next to Morgan's car surrounded by Agents but not her boyfriend.

On the one side there was the relive that Spencer is okay, that he wasn't also taken and on the other side the fear for Derek.

She has heard Morgan over the phone while he lost consciousness and got dragged and Spencer's pleads to not take Morgan even bagging shortly before the car door closed to take him.

Spencer has his knees pulled up and looks threatened by his environment, that the others look down on him probably doesn't help.

"Spencer hey,are you hurt? Are you okay?"
She crouches down in front of him grabbing his arms that are laying around his legs. "Can you look up to me for a second? I just want to see if you are okay honey."

He is rocking back and forth on the ground and she doubts that she will be able to get any information out of him. "I bet that was really scary but we need to make sure you are okay, can you do me the favour and stretch your legs out?"

Derek would want this. Derek would want Spencer to be taken care of,she thinks. "That's good, now here is my hand." She takes his hand. "And I will ask you some questions and you just answer them with one squeeze for yes and two for no. Is that okay?"

One squeeze.

"Perfect." The others watch her quietly, they had clearly underestimated it when she told them over the phone that Spencer will trust her and that she needs to be there.

When the others arrived Spencer was trashing out, fighting the others and Hotch was pretty sure the man in his arms didn't even recognised him. "Spencer did you feel anything pinch you?"

Two squeezes.

"Did anyone hit you?"

Two squeezes.

"Were you hold back?"

One squeeze.

"Did they hurt you doing that?"

Two squeezes.

"Do feel any pain right now?"

Two squeezes.

"Is it okay if Hotch takes over?"

One squeeze.

"You squeeze my hand longer if it gets to much."

"Did you recognize the people?"

Two squeezes.

"Did they want something?"

One squeeze.

"Did they want information?"

Two squeezes.

"Did they want money?"

Two squeezes.

"Did they want something material?"

Two squeezes.

"Did they want Derek? Just Derek?" Savannah steps in,having the feeling that Hotch needs to specify his questions and not leaving any interpretation or this isn't going to work.

One squeeze.

"Did anything out of the ordinary happen before that?"

One squeeze.

"Did anyone talk to you two?"

One squeeze.

"Just talking?"

Two squeezes.

"Did he ask you for something?"

Two squeezes.

"What did he say?"

He can't answer this. This isn't yes or no. This isn't something he can answer. He knows this. A man bumped into Morgan. A man said sorry. A man. A tall man in a leather jacket. He can answer that. He knows what he needs to say. Why can't he say it? Why can't he help them? Why can't he talk?

"No hey,Spencer, it's okay,it's okay." Spencer starts hitting his head against the car and she reaches up to shield the edges from the tire box with her hands so they don't cut him. "Spencer hey, hey,you did so good. You helped him. It's okay."

He needs to talk. He needs to talk. He has to. He has to talk. He needs to talk.

"Please be careful." She begs quietly and regrets it since saying stuff he needs to do will probably just scare him more if he can't understand it right. "There is a fidget cube in the isle of Morgan's car and sunglasses and headphones in the glove box. I don't care if it's evidence, somebody get those things."

Hotch being the closest gets up and follows her orders finding all the things.

"Put the fidget cube in his hands, he probably won't grab it immediately give him a moment." She instructs him and she just wishes Derek would be here. He would know what to do.

"Take out the phone in my jacket and just play Spencer's playlist with the headphones in just don't do anything yet just have it ready." For a moment her thoughts slip to her baby. How will she ever be able to care for a child if she doesn't even know what to now?

"Same with the sunglasses,those blue lights are stressing him out." What will sunglasses do with the blinking she thinks. What will she do if he doesn't calm down? What will she do if Derek doesn't come home? How could she care for Spencer and the baby? How could Spencer be okay after this? Would he?

She feels a hand on her shoulder and then JJ crouches down next to her. "I know this feels horrible right now and you are allowed to lose it, but we will do everything to get Derek back to you." She hadn't realized that she started crying.

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