Chapter 20: Overwhelming Success

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Copyright © 2020, Nikki B. Lourie if you are reading this work on any other domain than Wattpad, it has been plagiarized. 

Janessa was overjoyed that her plan had worked so well. After Leslie had pried himself from the elevator, it had taken some time to get him to the Nicu, but once there, his anxiety and fears seemed to be quelled. There was something about the calm and serenity you felt surround by newborns that was inexplicable. He had cried for a few hours and concerned nurses and mothers had stepped in until they learned his story. They didn't progress from the delivery ward for the following two and a half weeks. Not that he wasn't attempting to move forward. Each day he would venture further away from labor and delivery and closer to his mother's side of the hospital, but once panic set in, they faced a minor setback.

At times, he was discouraged, but Janessa and Raymond always reminded him of the great advancement he was making. However, Janessa wanted to wait to reveal to him that today was the day. He was only six feet away from his mother's room. So close yet so far. They had thought that yesterday would have been the one for him to cross her threshold, but right when he was close to completing the impossible, his fear overtook him. It was progressing like any other visit. They spent time in the nursery until he gathered his courage to move forward.

The walk was anxious, but they kept his spirits up chatting about their recent visit with the babies. Janessa learned a lot about his plans for the future, his desire to have a large family, and to give his mother many grandchildren. As an only child, she too preferred a large brood. She had told herself that she would give her children the real love and affection she barely received as a child. The conversations distracted him the rest of the distance and just as she predicted they were all standing inside of Lana's room.

Taking his hand, Janessa led him to her bed where she reached his arm out causing him to lean forward. "What are we doing?" he inquired. His question died on his lips as he felt his mother's smooth cheek. He would recognize those soft, smooth cheeks every time. As a child he had spent many days sitting in her lap and caressing her cheeks, memorizing the contours and nuances of her face.

Happy tears streamed towards his jaw as he eagerly reacquainted himself with her visage. "Oh Mom," he moaned, barely catching his slipping weight. Raymond held him up while Janessa slid a nearby chair beneath him.

"Be careful. You can't lean against her too much," she reminded him, watching him grip his mother and kiss her face. It seemed as if he was too lost in emotions to hear her warning, but he listened. He sat back in his seat and sobbed into his hands. Raymond joined him silently, his bottom lip trembling uncontrollably as tears coursed down his dark cheeks. Janessa blubbered as if it was her own personal experience, reuniting with a long-lost loved one.

Lana remained serene in her sleep. With the machines that assisted in her breathing long ago removed, she looked more like a woman enjoying a nap than someone who had undergone major heart surgery. She appeared to be waiting, resting patiently with a soft look upon her face. Her mother had done a wonderful job keeping up with Lana's care while Janessa and Raymond worked on restoring Leslie's confidence in himself. Yes, she had been waiting on her little boy to finally come and visit her. That was the only explanation for the joy on her face.

They cried until relief replaced their tears of joy. Leslie visibly brightened. His countenance, which had been sorrowful, was now glowing. Janessa proudly observed from the background while he recounted his harrowing ordeal to his dormant mother. He knew that she would be proud of his progress. The fact that he wasn't now panicking inside of her hospital room was a blessing. It was remarkable. His only concern was for his mother.

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