chapter two

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3rd person pov

tonight was rehan, and (y/n)'s date. what they didn't know was how much of a wreck it would turn out to be.

(y/n) wore her favorite outfit, she styled her hair in a (h/s), she put her favorite boots on, and waited for a text from rehan.

her phone buzzed, getting a text. she unlocked her phone to view the message.

open up :)

(y/n) gets up and opens the door to see rehan. he looks her up and down, "you never fail to amaze me." he states, and she smiles widely.

they get to the restaurant, and take a seat and wait for their waiter to come. (y/n) opens up her menu and looks at the different food options.

a male walks up to their table, "hello, ill start you guys off with your drinks, how may i take you order?" the male asks.

"I'll just take water." (y/n) says nicely.

"yes of course, and for you sir?" the server asks rehan with a smile.

"i'll have a coke." rehan says and zane nods.

"very well, coming right up." the man walks away.

(y/n)'s pov

"soooo, i was wondering how you would feel about going to ninjago city with me." i ask with a smile.

"ninjago city? thats pretty far." rehan replies and crosses his arms.

"i know, but.. its my hometown, i figured id show you around, maybe even move there..?" i ask, a bit scared of what his answer would be.

"move there? are you crazy?" rehan scoffs and the waiter comes back with our drinks.

"thank you," i smile at the waiter.

"I'll come back for you food order," the waiter smiles and i nod before he leaves.

"just wait an see, i think you'll love it there." i say excitedly.

just then rehan gets a call, "excuse me, i gotta take this." rehan gets up and heads outside for a moment leaving me by myself.

a few minutes later the waiter comes back to get the orders.

"hey, I'm so sorry, ill take (favorite food), but it's going to be a longer wait for my boyfriend." I say to waiter and take a glance at rehan who seemed to of been having trouble on the phone.

"of course, don't worry about it." the waiter smiles before walking away.

I let out a big sigh,wondering how it would be like returning to ninjago city. it's been so long and the only reason i ever left was because sensei wu told me it would be a good idea.

rehan walks back in and sits himself across from me, "on second thought, i have a job in ninjago city, so we can go."

"yay!" i exclaim with excitement, i think it's a little weird that suddenly he has work to do in ninjago, but at least I get to go.

my only worry is running into someone i don't want to run into, but what choice do i have. i can't run away for ever, right?

"oh also, i didn't know what you wanted, but the waiter came by to see what we wanted. i ordered my food, he should be back soon though." i smile lightly, and rehan nods.

• • •

we had finished eating and headed home, we decided we'd get our sleep tonight and wake up really early in the morning to go to ninjago.

i begin packing my things, i figured we would see how rehan likes ninjago before we pack the whole house to move there.

so i packed things little by little, i packed clothes enough for two weeks to be there.

id be lying if i said i wasn't nervous to go back, the mask man is still out there. he can't be defeated just like that.

he absorbs all of my magic, which nearly kills me, but i have to do this, its the only way. if i never came back, id feel like a piece of me is missing. i just have unfinished business there.

and who knows, maybe this'll be good for me. at least i hope.

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