chapter nine

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(y/n)'s pov

i don't know how long it's been all i remember is seeing the masked man fall to the floor and i was gone. it just feels like i'm in a deep slumber and i can't ever wake up. i can't hear or see anything.

my first thought whenever i wake up, if i wake up would be did we get the masked man? but the thing is, rohan is still out there unless they delt with him? it only feels like it's been i dunno a few hours, maybe a day.

i could feel myself trying to wake up, trying to force myself awoke. my hands starts twitching and i begin to her voices, it sounds like jay, cole, lloyd, zane, and nya. but where's kai?

my eyes begin to flutter open, and i look at my surroundings to see each and every one of them there, except kai.

i look at each individual one by one, they didn't realize i was awake, i sit up and ask, "did we get him?"

they all turn their heads to look in my direction as if it was a miracle.

"(y/n)!!" jay shouts excited running up to my bed and hugging me.

"i can not believe this, it truly is a miracle." zane says in amazement with his robot-like voice.

"hey you." cole walks up to me with a smile.

"well? did we get him?" i look at all of them and they just kind of look at me with a look. "oh.. we didn't ?" i ask with disappointment, my body ached so badly.

"no (y/n), you got him, but.." lloyd pauses for a moment.

"but what?" i ask interrupting trying to get straight to the point.

"you've been in a coma for 3 years, we almost thought we had to pull the plug on you." lloyd inquires with a little bit of sadness.

"i'm here now, why so sad..?" i look around and all their faces are still filled with sadness, "wait, where's kai?"

lloyd looks at nya, "kai went missing (y/n).. he left after a year when you didn't wake up. he couldn't handle it, he just left a note." nya walks up to me and puts a hand in my arm.

i quickly pull all the wires off of me and i quickly get out of bed. i almost fell to the floor, but cole caught me.

"(y/n).." lloyd looks at me with so much pain, "don't fight this.. he chose what he wanted."

cole sits me back down on the bed and i just begin tearing up. kai was important to me, even though he was mad, it just meant he cared.

a tear falls from my cheek and everyone's leave the room except for lloyd. he sits on my hospital bed next to me.

he looks at me, "i'm still a little upset, but all you saved all of us and especially me from the cursed realm. don't feel so guilty (y/n), you're a good person. sensei wu made you do it, didn't he?" he inquires and i just look at him.

"no, no. don't blame the old man.." i answer knowingly that it was him to tell me to leave. "he's really gone though, isn't he? come to found out, the masked man was my dad, sensei wu was my uncle, and you're what? my cousin?!" i shout in frustration with so many questions.

"(y/n), we're not actually cousins." lloyd chuckles a little bit trying to lighten the mood.

"what? how though? aren't sensei wu, garmadon, and furosh all related?" i begin blurting out a bunch of questions.

"once the others told me, i did more research, i asked my dad about it because he's locked up, and he told me everything. he was adopted, he was related to them in any way, he got kicked out just like you (y/n)." lloyd explains very helpfully. "oh, but the masked man isn't dead, he's locked up too (y/n), so if you have anything to say to him, you still have the chance." he says but i just stare at him blankly.

i don't answer i just sit there, "you ever thought about trying again with us, (y/n)?" he asks looking at me genuinely.

"lloyd, i can't.." i stop for a second, "i-i can't be in a relationship right now." i stutter my words a little bit afraid to hurt his feelings.

"oh, yeah. i totally understand." he moves his da fr away from me so i couldn't see him, "i'm gonna go get your doctor." he gets up and walks away out of the room.

i sit there staring at the ground, my hands holding myself up on the bed as i'm swinging my legs a little bit.

after a few minutes, someone walks it which i presumed to be was my doctor.

"hi, i'm dr chan. you're good to go home, but you must rest in bed and you'll have to use a wheelchair when you want to move. you're a very weak, you've had to have a couple surgeries on your heart for it to start again, but somebody already handle the payment. another thing i want to add is those powers you had got drained out while you were defeating that guy, there's a slight chance they could come back to you, but it's high unlikely." the lady smiles genuinely. i have no powers? "any questions?" she asks tilting her head as she's holding a clipboard and paper in her hands.

i didn't say anything for a bit but i finally reply with, "no, no questions. all good here." i shake my head a bit while i say that.

"perfect, i'll go get your discharge papers. is there anyone you would like to accompany you?" she's inquires with another question.

"yes please, cole brookestone?" i reply with a question myself.

"of course," she says as she smiles before leaving the room.

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