chapter three

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(y/n)'s pov

we arrive in ninjago city after what felt like five thousand hours on an airplane just to get here, now that i'm here i have to snap myself back into reality.

"how long has it been since you've been here?" rehan asks looking around the entire city.

"a little over four somethings bound to have changed." i look over at him and smile, "oh wait! i just remembered, i got us tickets to go to the boxing club tonight." 

"did you get me a spot?" rehan asks as i walk us over to where our hotel is going to be which was pretty close by.

"of course i did." i smile lightly as we get to the hotel. we get checked in and get settled in to our hotel.

i begin unpacking my clothes in putting them into the dresser the hotel had provided for us.

"so what time is the boxing club?" rehan asks as he is doing the same.

"it's at seven, and should end around nine." i reply as i stand up to but my bathroom supplies in the bathroom. 

i walk of the bathroom, and over to my suitcase.

"mkay, so i have an hour to get ready." he scrunches his face and then laughs. i push his shoulder lightly and laugh.

"get your ass ready." i smile as i continue putting my shit away.

. . .

rehan and i arrive just in time to start. we take a seat on a bench in perfect view of the stadium. two people were already up against each other, one of the faces looks familiar. honestly, this is probably something kai would do, so i wouldn't be surprised if it was kai.

what if  rehan and kai went up against each other?  i ask myself which begins to make me nervous.

rehan would probably lose to kai, kai's a ninja, rehan is just an ordinary boxer. "up next is rehan slater and kai smith!" the judge shouts into a microphone from down below.

"come on, you got this." i pat the back of rehans back as he gets up and goes into the stadium. i knew it was kai.

i watch as rehan shakes hands with kai, the thought of them going against makes me nervous, but who knows maybe rehan will surprise me. i'm assuming the next person that's up goes against the champion from the last match.

i watch as rehan swings towards kai, but kai dodges. i stand up to see closer up to watch their match. kai kicks towards rehan and hit him in the knee causing him to almost fall down, kai kept trying hit after hit.

this match has been going on for a while now, two good players, how good is rehan? i never really watched his matches before.

rehan finally lands a hit on kai in the stomach, but that's nothing compared to what he's felt before. kai picks rehan up and body slams him to the floor, he didn't get up which means he loses.

kai helps rehan up, i see slight speaking but couldn't make out what they were saying. i wait for rehan to come back to the bench and i watch kai get into his next match. 

rehan walks up to me and sits down on the bench, i look over at him and walk backwards towards and take a sit next to him.

"you had a rough game right there." i make a frowny face and he exhales loudly.

"i should've won." rehan states angrily, clenching his fists.

"it's okay." i rub his back and lay my shoulder on him.

after a while kai finally got a break and won the first championship. i went down to the bar to get rehan and i drinks, i got one cup of tequila and one of beer. i turn around and see kai. 

"oh my gosh, i'm so sorry." i apologize quickly and he furrows a brow.

"your voice sounds so familiar, like a girl i used to know." kai says with a look of confusion on his face.

"no, i uh- i don't think so.." i reply stuttering slightly.

"(y/n)," rehan calls walking over to kai and i.

i grunt loudly and kai looks at rehan and back at me. 

"shit.." i mumble quietly and look at kai. "hey, i'll be over there in a minute. can you take our drinks?" i hand rehan the drinks and walks away.

"you lied to us (y/n), you were gone for four years, shit before you left you acted like you were emotionless." kais face fills with a look of slight disappointment.

"i know, i'm sorry. i had to.." i apologize as i fidget with my hands.

kai pulls me into a tight embrace, almost like he never wanted to let me go. "lloyd's been gone without you, he seemed to be doing better though, like he was getting used to you being gone." kai pulls out of the hug and frowns slightly.

"i- kai, i have a new life now. new friends and a new boyfriend.." i reply and kais face fills with shock. "it's been over four years, did you really expect me not to date anyone else?" i ask, crossing my arms.

"i guess you're right, but why'd you leave?" kai questions and i look in a different direction.

"sensei wu told me to leave, he said it would be best, that the mask man would keep coming for me if i didn't." i explain and look down at my fidgety hands and back up to kais eyes.

"so why'd you come back?" kai asks, "he's still out here you know that right?" kai adds.

"because this is my hometown, and i know but i had to come back. i felt dissatisfied if i didn't come back. i don't care what happens to me anymore." i reply and take a deep breathe in through my mouth and out through my nose. " i should get back, we can talk later. meet up at the noodle place tomorrow night at six." i give him a hug and walk away.

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