chapter ten

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(y/n)'s pov

it's been almost a month, i'm finally able to walk again we'll sorta, but still powerless. still no sign of kai, i'm supposed to be fully back on my feet in a few days.

cole and jay have been great help, lloyd has been more distant. i can see why, i just can't see myself with him anymore. i hurt him too badly, but also were not cousins but my dad was adopted by sensei wu's parents. i want to find kai, i feel i know just the place to find him. i'm sure they won't know if i just say ima go for a walk, right ?

"hey guys, i'm gonna go for my daily walk." i say walking into the room to everyone.

"you need me to come with you?" cole asks very sincerely.

"no, i want to try going on my own today." i propose and smile lightly before walking out of the door.

normally people don't recover as quickly as me, but you know, it's how i am. well, i know if i overdue it which i probably am.. i will probably fall.

the place to find him was a boxing club, he couldn't be too far from ninjago city, i know he can't stay away. besides, he probably didn't see a point be around the others. the ninja could disband again because of well.. sensei wu. i didn't even get to say goodbye because i was too focused on fucking furosh. i let the others mourn, but when do i get to? well the answer to that is never.

i was only supposed to take 30 minutes to walk everyday, i decided to take a bus out of the city and go to all the boxing fights this other city had.

searching top bottom, i walk into a building and there was a ding signaling that someone walked in and there he was. talking and laughing with his boxing gear on with other members of the boxing club.

his eyes move towards me and he notices me, i was so happy to see him. that i actually found him.

he says something to his buddies and begins walking towards me and says, "(y/n)? what are you-" as he walks closer to me he gets cut off as i begin falling to the floor, but thankfully he caught me.

"wow haha, i'm really not feeling myself." i joke around, but he doesn't laugh.

he sets me down gently in a chair and holds onto my shoulders to make sure i don't fall again, "(y/n), are you okay?" he asks so sincerely.

"i'm okay, kai. i just shouldn't be overworking myself, but i had to find you." i purpose so eagerly.

"do the others even know?" he inquired with a question still holding his hands on my shoulders, "(y/n), you went to a whole other city just to find me. i'm sure they are worried by now." he explains, i pout a pit and cross my arms. "no, no, don't do that."

"kai, don't bring me back there." i say with all seriousness and he furrows a brow, "please, i need answers." i beg with a sad expression plastered over my face.

he lets out sigh, and he finally loosens his grip and sit down next to me, "fine."

"why did you leave after i was in a coma and i wouldn't come out?" i immediately got straight to the question and looks down at the floor.

"look (y/n), i was mean to you and then whenever i finally found out that you were risking your entire life just to save us.. i- well i just froze up, i blamed myself. i thought you were dead, i thought we had to pull life support of you! i was so angry i fled from ninjago city, and i'm still angry (y/n)! you lost your powers, and there's a big chance you won't get them back. we ran tests, and tests, and more fucking tests. nothing showed us what the hell was wrong with you, you had to be brought back what felt like 300 times, you have to have 12 surgeries all in one year and i couldn't bare to see you in pain (y/n)!" kai shouts angrily, but also he was so sincere. he cared, he was the only one who couldn't bare to see me like that, the only one who couldn't handle, but.

"but why, kai?" i ask and he looks up at me as if his whole world was crumbling down.

"because (y/n), i-i care about you!" he stutters his words a little bit and looks down at the floor, "but also because i still love you. i never stopped." he looks into my eyes, and i couldn't comprehend what i just heard.

my eyes widen, "w-what?" i ask knowingly of what he said but still not understanding

"im still in love with you, (y/n)."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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