chapter six

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(y/n)'s pov

it was time to get myself together and gather my feelings. i get my lazy ass off my bed, i throw on some black basketball shorts, with a (f/c) plain crop top, i quickly brush my hair as time was nearing 4:00 pm, i tie my hair back in a messy ponytail, and slide my shoes on.

i take my car keys and my phone and walk out the door. i get inside my car and take a breath for a moment.

anything could happen, and i don't think i'm prepared.

i start my car and drive off to jays biological fathers old place.

the one thing on my mind was lloyd. if i ever got to see him again, everything would feel okay.

i reminisce about the past and how he treated me at first, i laugh when i look back because we ended up dating. the one who had the biggest issue with me was also the one who ended up madly in love with me.

but now that he's gone, everything changes. being back here, everything's different. ninjago city has changed so much. there's only one thing that i worry about being back here. i know lloyd gave himself up, but that never stops crime.

i just then pull up to jays biological fathers house. i knock on the door, then open it. i look around and see everyone sitting in the main room, except kai.

"where's kai?" i ask looking around a little bit, but trying to make it so obvious.

i see jay, cole, zane, and nya all look at each other. i see them all give a sad frown like neither one of them would like to say.

"kai is not coming, (y/n)." zane replies breaking the sad silence.

i nod my head in understanding why, "that's okay. i get it, it's okay if you guys are mad too."

i see cole look at jay, "look (y/n), i'm glad you're back but.." cole says, still frowning. "lloyd gave himself up, for you."

"and i'm gonna get him back." i say quietly to myself, hopefully no one heard. i see zane look at me like he understood.

cole, jay, and nys begin having their own conversation. zane walks up to me and pulls me aside.

"i know what this is about." i blurt before he gets to say a word.

"how do you expect to get him back?" zane asks, with his monotone robot voice.

"i don't know, but.." i pause and look down towards the ground then back up at him, "if anyone's going to get him back, it has to be me."

"(y/n), it is not logically possible to get him back. there's a chance he will return and he will not be the same." zane gives a small concerned look.

"i know, but i have to try." i walk away from him towards the others to join their conversation leaving zane in the corner to think to himself.

"soo (y/n), what have you experienced while you were out and about?" jay quickly questions. of course jay would have a question, i would expect nothing less from him. he's too curious.

nya hits jay's arm, "jay!" she shouts.

"what??!" he replies back, "i'm just curious.."

"it's okay, nya, really." i smile lightly, "well.. i have a boyfriend." they all look at me blank faced, now they looked offended.

"but what about lloyd?" cole asks trying not to sound too upset but it definitely came out that way.

"i never expected to come back."

"of course you didn't." i hear someone say from behind, i turn around to see kai. "cause you have it all figured out right? you have everything figured out." kai had that face, he was furious, i never see him like this. "you don't know what WE had to go through (y/n). you think we liked seeing lloyd sulk all day? no! he was in love with you! and you didn't love him back. it obviously shows." kai says all at once, which had me thinking. "im out bro." he storms out of the door.

i watched him leave, and my whole mood changes. it was never a good idea to come back, i shouldn't have came with rehan, i should've stayed home.

"(y/n)," cole calls out and i turn to look at him. "we're glad you're back, but.." he pauses and looks down, "kai's got a point. you just forgot about all of us, you left us."

"i think we should call it a night.." nya says seeing all of the saddened faces and they all looked like they did not want to be around me at this very moment.

"i think nya is right." zane walks up and tries to give a reassuring look to me.

"just go home (y/n)." cole wouldn't look at me, he couldn't.

i walk towards the door, and stop at the door but i don't look back. i stand there for a second before i walk out the door. i get into my car and drive off.

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