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((Dedicated to notanotherfangirl because that cover...yES.))

Enjoy the chapter~

Louis and his mother sat in the car together. He was finally going to meet his mum's new boyfriend, which was weird considering he really should have met him before they started dating. For all Louis knew, this man could be a rapist or something.

"Oh relax Louis, he isn't a bad guy, I'm sure you'll like him. " Jay smiled, lightly punching louis on the shoulder with her free hand while keeping her other hand, and eyes, on the road.

Louis just shrugged, looking outside the window, staring at all the houses in the neighborhood, his eyes wide because woah. He wasn't even sure if these houses could even be considered as 'houses.' Holy crap, these were freaking mansions.

It wasn't a very long drive to this so called boyfriend's house either. His mother's small SUV came to a halt and he glanced over to the side, only to see a very nice, but huge house. It was too much. He cringed, getting out of he car and observing the outside of the house a bit, brushing off his little sweater vest. He smiled politely as he saw what looked to be a taller curly haired, tattooed boy around his age and an older man who he guessed was his dad. He didn't know this guy had a kid.

He shrugged, walking up to them, like the confident little shit he was and shook the older man's hand.

"Hi. 'M Des. " he chuckled, while louis smiled a bit.

"Louis. It's nice to meet you, Des. "

At least he was polite.

Then, Jay got out of the car and ran over excitedly to Des, hugging him and giving him a kiss. Louis had to admit, it was pretty cute , but he was still unsure of this Des guy. Desmond sounded like a suspicious name, to Louis at least.

It wasn't very long until Jay and Des retreated to the house, causing Louis to stand there awkwardly, only just remembering the tall lad next to him.

Louis blushed, because the guy was actually pretty cute...despite all that ridiculous inky trash on his arms.

Smiling politely once again, he extended an arm for the boy to shake.

"I'm Louis. You're Harry...am I right?" He asked, remembering his mum had mentioned that name earlier while they were driving, but he didn't know he was Desmond's son.

The Harry boy scoffed, causing Louis' eyebrows to raise slightly pouting in confusion. Had he said something wrong?

"Fuck off. " The boy scoffed, leaving Louis' hand untouched and rudely walking off into the house, leaving Louis there, stuttering in shock.

He huffed after Harry left. He just didn't get it. All he was trying to do was be polite, but this douche had to go and ruin his whole mood, that frankly, was already grouched.

All he knew, was he was just relieved they wouldn't be staying here any longer.

He walked into the rather large house as he felt it began to drizzle outside a little. Louis hated getting wet. It made him feel itchy when his clothes stuck to him. He was greeted loudly by Des, who patted his back quite roughly. Louis was always very fragile, and short. He smiled slightly, (though in his mind, he was saying some real...things) at the older man who returned it with a crooked grin.

He didn't notice the Harry boy anywhere though, which was weird. He shrugged. It want his business where Harry did and didn't go anywhere. He was not His child, but a mere peasant in Louis' world. Louis didn't need more peasants in his little bubble. He took a seat on the nearby couch and watched some Spongebob that just so happened to be playing when he felt that he needed to take a leak really quickly.

He asked Des where the bathroom was then hurried upstairs and through the hall, passing some rooms that he didn't pay much attention to, until one room in particular caught his eye.

It looked kind of interesting with some childish 'Do Not Enter' and 'Beware of Teen' signs nailed into the door. Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes, coming to a conclusion that this was most likely Harry's room. He was just tempted to open the door, but figured it would probably be rude. Louis was a nosy fuck, but he wasn't that nosy.

He sighed, remembering he had to pee and hurried down the hall to do his business.

I know it's really short so far,but at the moment I wanna get into doing this more and start doing it daily. Hopefully the next chapters will be better. Stay tuned I guess :D
Vote, comment, and tell me what you think of it so far!

-Nev x

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