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When he came back from the bathroom, he couldn't help but stop in front of the door again. He was so tempted to open it, just to get Harry to at least talk to him because he would be lying if he insisted he wasn't interested in the taller boy.

He decided to just go for it, as he didn't have much to lose anyway. The least Harry could possibly do to him was scream and swear or something.

He opened the door with a slight smile, causing harry to look up quickly, and Louis could tell he had startled him. It was cute, honestly. The way his emerald eyes widened a little and his lips parted ever so slightly.

The look of shock quickly turned into that of a scowl, Harry's cold green eyes shooting daggers into him. Louis just shrugged, used to that look as he gets it every time from...people.

"Hello, Harold. " he smirked, coming into the room, Harry rolling his eyes.

"You can't get a hint, can you? Who the hell do you think you are coming into my room uninvited? You didn't even knock. " Harry growled, eyes narrowing and his once bright emeralds turned just a shade darker, and colder.

Louis smiled slightly, much to Harry's dismay.

"Well, I think I'm Louis Tomlinson. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what it says on my birth certificate. " he smirked, pleased with his sassy little reply.

"Get out. " Harry told him in a warning tone, only to be ignored.

Louis looked around, taking in a good look of Harry's room. It was actually pretty nice, definitely not what Louis was expecting by Harry's appearance. The room was a nice royal blue color with a bunch of old faded photos scattered around here and there . He guessed Harry liked photography.

When he first laid eyes on the other boy, he was expecting his room to be all black and white, but he was wrong.

He was still admiring the room when he felt something push against him, causing him to become off -balanced and stumble out of the room.

The smaller boy whipped around, only to see Harry off of the bed, now standing, and glaring at him. Louis glared back just as harsh.

"You didn't have to push me. " he muttered.

"I told you to get out already, and you didn't, so I found another way. Simple." Harry shrugged.

"Don't you know it's rude to push people out of your doors?" Louis scoffed, his obvious annoyance dissolving a little as he stared back at the tattooed boy, blue meeting green.

"Don't you know it's rude to come into someone's room uninvited?" Harry retorted.

"We're still on that? Come on, let it go already, Harry." Louis scoffed, rolling his eyes, seeing this discussion was not going to take a turn from that.

Harry didn't answer him though, only slammed his door, leaving a frustrated Louis standing out in the hall like an oaf.

Having no other choice, louis went back downstairs, to where his mother and Desmond were still talking, and drinking glasses of red wine.

Desmond happened to see him and he smiled. A prize winning smile that could make even the grumpiest of people crack a smile. Louis almost wondered if Harry's smile was like that.

Or if he even smiled for that matter.

He reluctantly sat down next to them, a small pout on his face.

Des noticed this.

"I guess you've officially met my son now. Not what you expected?"

Louis nodded, shrugging slightly. "No, definitely not. I can tell he doesn't like me. "

"He doesn't like anyone. Don't beat yourself over it...he doesn't even like me that much. "

This confused Louis and he was now determined to find out what caused Harry to be like this.

To be so...cold and unwelcoming, even to his own father.

Louis on the other hand, would kill to meet his father.

His dad left them when Lou was less than a year old. Louis would always ask his mum about his dad, and what he was like, but she was always so vague when telling him about the man that was his so-called father. He learned not to mention him though, over the years, knowing it was a touchy subject and probably hurt to talk about it.

He had learned to accept it.

Besides, It looked like Des was making Jay happy, and that was all that mattered to Louis.

If his mum was happy, he was happy.

He was unfortunately snapped out of his thought when he heard Desmond sigh, looking out the window.

"It doesn't look like the rain will be stopping anytime soon," the older man informed Louis and his mother.

"Would you like to stay the night?"




anyway, vote, and keep reading! It may just get interesting.

Also, give me some feedback! Is it good so far? What can I do to make it better if it isn't?

Feel free to inbox me some ideas if you want :')

Nev x

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