
540 29 15

This was originally going to be chapter three, but what recently happened yesterday fucked up my whole plans.

Guys, I know it's hard to process that Zayn is leaving One direction, but we have to continue to be strong and support the other boys, too.

It's so hard and I'm just so numb...it took 3 hours yesterday. 3 hours for me to finally cry.

It just hit me, and once I realized it I couldn't stop.

Honestly, I don't think it's really 'One Direction' without Zayn. I will continue making stories with him in them no matter what...or until I say otherwise lol. And I just want you guys to be strong.

Chin up, happy thoughts ;)

-Nev :)

Roads; l.sOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz