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"He was totally overreacting!" I screamed into my phone, my best friend Liam trying to calm me down once again for the third time this morning. I really couldn't help it though.

Harry makes me so angry and the fact that our parents are making it official now are only making things worse.
"Lou, you need to check yourself before you shrek yourself," Liam cackled at his own joke because he's lame and I'm not sure why I'm even friends with him. "But seriously Boo, don't worry about him alright? Why don't you just come over, Netflix and chill?"

I giggled, "Ew Li, I love you but I don't love you that much. I'll be over in a few," I said quickly before hanging up and throwing my phone on the bed and running to Harry's room to steal some of his clothes, but only because I didn't have any of my own, of course.

I looked through Harry's closet and didn't even know why I even bothered coming here because all he had were dark, ugly clothes and I only liked pastels and such, resulting in me going back to my room and putting on my sweater vest from the visit and gray skinnies.

Heading downstairs, I saw mum making lunch and informed her that I was going to Liam's and that I was also taking her car.

(Since I didn't have a car of my own yet. Frowny face.)

She nodded, too busy preparing the table and such that I wasn't sure that she heard me, yet I left anyway.

So now, I was on my way to Liam's, talking to him on the way, about lunch.
"And by the time I get inside, I better see a full meal set up on that table for me, or else I will pout, and I know you hate when I pout!" I whined into the phone, hearing Liam sigh. I knew he was rolling his eyes at my childishness.

"Yes my queen, what kind of servant would I be if I didn't feed my precious babe?" Liam replied before hanging up.

Rude, but I was already in the driveway by the time he hung up, parking and exiting the car and ringing the doorbell.

Liam opened the door in record time, making me ponder if he was just standing beside in the whole time waiting for me. He would do something like that, he's Liam. 

I smiled at my best friend and entered the house before immediately going to the kitchen and squealing at all the food Liam made for me, pulling up a chair for both of us while we began eating and chatting up.
OmFG 2k READS???? TYSM??¿ I seriously love you guys like really I do. I didn't expect this story to get so many reads and I'm so greatful :)) btw, if you guys see any grammar mistakes feel free to tell me.

writing on the bus is hard and people keep looking over my shoulder trying to see what I'm doing and these girls seriously need to stfu.

Oh! And I will be editing the appearance of the fanfiction when a few more chapters are done.

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