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Louis woke up sometime after twelve. Honestly, he didn't even expect to sleep that long since he was always an early bird and was usually the first to get up.

Then, he remembered the conversation from earlier on the his mother and Des were having. It was still so confusing to him, and he was just itching to find out the more he thought about it.

Deciding that it was time to get out of bed, Louis got up and slipped his bedroom slippers on before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower, and brush his teeth.

Once he was done, he put on the oversized shirt of Harry's that slipped off his shoulder a bit since it was so large on him. He huffed, pulling it back up only to have it slip again so he ended up just leaving it with a sigh of defeat, putting some pants on.

As he headed out of his temporary room, Louis found himself knocking into something hard, or rather someone hard, causing the tiny boy to stumble back a little and fall on his bum.

Looking up, he noticed a grumpy looking Harry glowering down at him.
"Took you long enough. Everyone's waiting for you downstairs, hurry up." Harry muttered.

Louis scoffed as Harry turned to leave. "So, you aren't even going to help me up?" He asked with a scowl as he watched the other walk away.

"All of a sudden you're unable to move? Just make sure you're downstairs. I don't want to stay here longer than I have to. " Harry replied before disappearing down the stairs.

Louis frowned, not understanding what he possibly could have don't for Harry to hate him as much as he does. Louis was nothing but polite to Harry since they first met each other a few days ago.

Shaking his head, he got up and dusted his pajamas off because he loathes dirtying any of his clothes, no matter what type, and slowly made his way downstairs hearing muffled voices nearby once he was in earshot.

He quickly spotted his mother, Des, and a bored looking Harry sitting together, supposedly waiting for Louis, so he scrambled to a seat near them.

"S-sorry I took so long," he blushed as he took his seat, "So what are we discussing?" He asked.

"Do you like it here, Louis?" Jay asked, and Louis bit his lip in thought, beginning to get a little uncomfortable because did he really like it here? He had no idea.

Sure, it wasn't bad when you look over Harry's rudeness and stuff, and Des was a pretty good man. Des made his mother happy so Louis liked him.

"I-I like it I guess," he murmured quietly, seemingly trying to sound convincing to both his mum and himself, "if you are happy, I'm happy too. " Louis smiled at his mother.

"That's great Boo, because Des and I have something to share with you and Harry. " Jay beamed, glad her only son was happy being here even though they haven't been here long.

Desmond nodded, "Yes, that's right. Louis, Harry, Jay and I both agreed that it would be nice if we could step up our relationship a good bit by moving in together. " Des explained.

Louis' eyes widened. He should have seen this coming. It was so obvious! Of course Des and his mother were going to want to move in with each other, meaning he would have to be stuck living with Harry freaking Styles for as long as Des and Jay were together and Louis did not like the thought of that at all.

He forced a smile."Really? That's amazing! A little early for that, but amazing nonetheless. "

The couple radiated with happiness, while Louis hid his annoyance at the fact that he would be living with Harold.

No one however, noticed a seething Harry walking out on them until the door slammed heavily, rattling almost everything in the hallways and living room.

Seems like someone wasn't too happy hearing the news.

Oh my god this chapter sucked, but it was basically a filler since I had the worst Writer's block. :p next chapter should be better hopefully.

- Nev x

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