Chapter Seven |A Past Unfold|

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I want to warn you guys ahead, this chap is angsty. Lotor and Lance's past isn't veryy good. There will be a panic attack and mentions of depression.

If you want to skip it, I'll put STOP when it's over and there will be a summary at the end if you want to know what happens. Enjoy.

Keith was starting to feel a pit open in his stomach. As the time for Lance to get off of work came closer, Keith kept thinking how bad things would get.

Would Lance trust him enough to tell him about what Lotor meant? Would he push him away? Would he ever talk about it?

Keith sat in front of the building for only 5 minutes before the man was walking out with his coworkers. He was talking and one of them gestured to the limo. They all stopped and Lance blushed. Keith smirks.

He shoots a quick text and Lance's eyes shoot down to it then he looks back up at the car. He says something then he's walking to the car with a wave and a sheepish smile. He gets in and the car exits the parking lot.

"Limo? Wow. Aren't you trying to lay low?"

"Yeah, but I thought I might surprise you." Keith turns to him, his thumb rubbing his index finger unconsciously.

"You okay?" Keith looks up at Lance who's watching him with concern. He raises a brow in confusion.

"What makes you think I'm not?"

"You're rubbing your finger with your thumb. You do that when you're nervous or upset."

Keith blinks. Oh. He did? Lance was paying that much attention to his fingers?

'Now,' his mind said. 'Ask the question.'

He closes his eyes and sighs. "I actually needed to talk to you. Lotor was at my hotel yesterday," Lance stiffens at the name, his fingers curling. "He said that you and him had a deeper relationship than him and Allura. He wouldn't tell me but I was hoping...," Keith trails off. Lance runs a hand through his hair.

No, Keith did not  think it was cute.

"You were hoping I'd tell you what he meant."

Lance's words brought him back to reality. He gulped, his blood thrumming in his veins. He hoped Lance would say yes.


Keith's blood ran cold.


"I can't tell you."

"Why not? Because you don't trust me?" Lance looked at Keith, he looked hurt for that accusation.

"No! I just...," Lance flops back on the seat. "I haven't told anyone what happened. Hunk. Pidge. Allura. No one knows but me and I'd rather not talk about it."

"But why Lance? Keeping it to yourself will just make things worse. Don't you want your friends to know?"

"Of course not!" Lance said irritatedly. "Allura is a music producer. She has lots of shit going on in her life as is. Pidge too! She's 14 and is a high school senior. Hunk is my best friend. If I tell him, then he'll break himself trying to help me." Lance sat up, looking at his hands.

"Can you imagine if any of them knew? They'd try to talk to Lotor about it and he'll make their lives hell all over again. The first time that happened, Allura was broken. She loved him but he thought this was a game. I swore to myself to never let that happen again and I won't."


"You can't change my mind."

"Fine. Don't tell them. But please," he whines. Lance turns to him wide eyed. "Just tell me. I care about you. Seeing you so hurt by Lotor makes me angry. I just want you to trust me. I promise I won't tell anything to everyone else."

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