Chapter Eighteen |The First Date|

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Thy end is near! Soon this story shall reach its conclusion and I am so happy that you all stayed with me throughout. It means a lot because while this isn't my first fanfic it is my first Klance story. They hold a high place in my heart and I hope that the chapters show that.

Lance was discharged days later; he was eager to move, to surf but his mother had ordered he rest.

On bed rest, the others visited frequently giving gifts and cards. Keith visited more than the others, staying to cuddle Lance and tell him recent events.

Eventually Lance was able to get out the house and the first thing he did was invite his friends to the beach. He grinned when he reached the sand that touched the water.

He breathed in eagerly, enjoying the smell of salt water. Keith came to stand next to him, holding out his hand for Lance to hold. "So?" He prompted making Lance turn to him.

"So what cariño?"

"How are feeling?"

Lance hums turning back to the see with a smile. "Feeling a need to surf that wave coming on." Keith sees it and smirks. He lets go of Lance's hand.

"Go then." Lance looks surprised. He blinks slowly at Keith who just playfully rolls his eyes. "Changing my mind in 5, 4,-,"

Lance jumps and kisses Keith before dashing off for his board. Keith laughs as Lance scoops it up and runs to the waves with a grin.

He's out in the ocean in seconds, waiting for the wave. This is what he needed. In the craziness of the last few days, he hasn't been able to do this. He needs the water. Without it, he wasn't himself. He wasn't Lance without water to ground him. When the wave is upon him, he stands and looks to shore.

Keith is there amoung his friends and though he's but a mop of long black hair, Lance just knows he's smiling. He rides through the tunnel, hand out to touch the water when an idea pops into mind.

He does a handstand, leaving his feet above his head as he goes down the rest of the tunnel, once out, Lance swerves left to right a bit to show off. Then he's making the board jump and he's landing back on his feet.

He hollers loudly, throwing up his hands. He closes his eyes and lets the roar of the sea wash over him. He's smiling so big hus face hurts but he couldn't care. He was free to do what he wanted.

The wave was gone but Lance searched for more until he was tired and then he was back on the beach, laid out watching the sky. He didn't notice Keith was missing until he looked around and saw no mop of black hair in a bun.

"Hey guys, where's Keith?"

Pidge and Hunk exchange looks before Hunk stands. "Let's get you home."


"Lance. Come on."

"Guys seriously. Where's Keith?"

Pidge sighs loud and dramatic, standing up to stomp over to Lance. "Listen he left alright? He had things to do. You were still out surfing so you didn't notice."


"What!? He asked."

Lance felt odd. Not bad just different. Keith left without telling him wasn't bad. He just thought that he would tell him seeing as he agreed to come. Maybe he wasn't comfortable and he left and didn't want to hurt Lance. That would be understandable. Or maybe he-


He looked up and saw Pidge and Hunk staring at him sadly with Allura and the others watching with similar expressions.

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