chapter 4 : demon train

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I opened my eyes to an open field of grass with a pocket of snow. The sun was beating down on the fields in front of me and a soft breeze blowing in the trees ahead of me. I looked around me to get a sense of what was around me when I heard my name being called out.

"Y/n! Y/n! Ah Y/n there you come home mom got the food ready for us!" a voice yelled. I looked around to see my dad stand at the top of the field.

I gave a smile and started to run to him, "I'm coming dad! Don't eat all the pork buns without me." I caught up to dad and we walked to the village. The snow started to disappear the farther into town we got. Mom stepped outside our house and looked at me and dad. I ran up to her and gave her a hug as she patted my head.

"There you two are come inside before the food gets cold. I made some udon noodles, pork buns, and onigiri for lunch." she said with a smile as we followed her inside.

"I got dibs on the onigiri!" dad said with a chuckle.

"No fair, I wanted some too!" I said closing the door and taking off my shoes. I sat with my mom and dad infront of me. Dad passed me a few onigiri and passed a few to mom as well.

"Wake up merichi." a new voice echoed as I took a bite. I looked around to see nobody around. The voice sounded so familiar but I don't know where I could have heard it.

"You okay Y/n?" mom asked

"Hmm? Oh yeah i'm fine just something caught my eye.'' I said with a smile. When I got done eating I helped mom clean up while dad was messing around behind us. When the cleaning was done we all went outside and started to walk around the town for items mom wanted to make for dinner. While walking I could feel a sensation pulling me to the outskirts of town.

"You've gotten stronger.... Wake up merichi."

"That voice again...where have I heard it... wait..." I said to myself. While mom and dad had their backs to me. I looked around one more time to see nobody was outside selling anything. I stopped waking feeling something pierce my shoulder. I gripped it remembering how I got the pain in my shoulder to begin with.

"H-hey mom dad how did the snow dis-" I was cut off by pink flames bursting around me causing mom and dad to back up. The flames... I know them. Their... their nezukos flames.

"Wake up merichi!!" the voice boomed covering the sky in an ash grey tone as my kimono changed into my uniform with my sword on my hip. Mom and dad disappeared as everything burst into flames and the sun showed the number three. With that everything went dark and I could feel something gripping onto my wrist. I opened my eyes with a breath and saw Nezuko sitting in front of me.

"N-nezuko... wait what happened where Rengoku, Tanjiro and the others?!" I said in a panic. I looked around to see that zenitsu was still asleep with three kids on the ground and a boy looking at me. He looked pale and sickly as if he hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Please... save the train ma'am." he said in a soft voice as the train shook violently. I looked around to see these large lumps start to grow around the train. The lumps turned into a snaking tentacle wrapping around the people in the cars. I pulled out my sword and slashed them before they touched the passengers. While my back was turned one of the tentacles tried to grab the boy.

"Demon breath second form: spinning thread!" I said as the string wrapped around the boy and pulled him to me. He looked at me in surprise as I sat him down to help nesuko with the rest of the tentacles. They all started to come with seemingly no end to them no matter how many times I cut them. I mentally cursed myself as one grabbed my legs.

"Demon breath third form revised: exploding eye basket!" I yelled, cutting the tentacles and clearing the car for a few seconds.

"Nezuko, kid you guys okay?" I said gripping my blade pushing the boy behind me. Nezuko gave a nod while the boy gripped my uniform. I got ready for the next wave when zenitsu got in front of us.

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