chapter 5: part 2

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"My little merichi let's see how strong you've gotten." I smirked sitting perched in the high tree. I looked at the demons around her. None of them look stronger than her but plenty of them overwhelm her. I watched patiently to see what would happen. Before I actually got invested in the fight I realized she didn't have her sword on her hip.

"Shit! She might be in trouble I ne-" before I could even finish my thought I saw a black mass growing on the ground and her getting submerged within it. I looked around and saw her emerging from it above another demon and getting tied and strung up to a tree. She did the same to two more then created a scythe out of the mass she appeared from. The few stood still before letting out a loud groan and charged at her. As i expected she handled them fairly easy with each charging at her each was restrained and suspended in the air in the trees.

She landed on the ground and sighed looking at the stream of demons she had in the trees. "Sorry for not giving you a quicker death. So for now you all can hangout in the trees till sunrise. Or until you can get out by yourselves." she said calmly walking away. I smirked and jumped down silently as she walked farther way. I looked up amongst the trees and saw all of the demons struggling to get out, even trying to pry the threads apart only to get a few fingers or limbs cut or sliced off.

"A-akaza! Help us down! There's a demon slayer here!" one said trying to get out

"No i had a good time enjoying the show and I'm sure if I let you down shell know who did it." i said calmly looking back in the direction she was running.

"W-what?! B-but we can take her now that your here if we-" I jumped up and cut them off and covering there mouths.

"I don't care how easy you could take her down. When it comes down to it your not touching her. You wont touch what's mine." I said letting the venom drip into my voice like water. The demons face change from hope to fear as i spoke and the rest settled into their uneasy states of mind. Realizing that I wasn't going to let anyone lay a finger on her. I noticed sweat dipping from there face as the fear grew more intense.

"There's another demon around here isn't there?" i asked with a low tone. They stared at me with wide eyes. I jumped into the trees and looked over the forest. I couldn't pick up or spot it within the forest.

"Where did you go merichi..." I said quietly to myself.

"Try behind you Akaza." a voice said as a hand landed on my shoulder. Turned to see her with a small smile and dirt on her cheek.

"How long have you been there." I asked

"Not long I felt eyes on my back while fighting so I jumped up to see who it was. Should have known it was you," she said sitting down. I looked at her in shock for a second but realized she was just seeing who was behind her. I gave a smile and realized i still had to report to my master.

"I have to run somewhere. But I'm sure you can handle yourself for a while. Stay safe if we get separated I'm sure well meet again." i said sprinting into the forest with a slight look back to see her looking at the sky. I darted over to the cave where i had left the demon slayers sword. I looked at it in disgust but picked it up anyways as i made my way to the master place of visit. Before i went up to the building i stabbed the sword into a tree and looked up to see a single window with light shining outside onto a balcony. I jumped up and landed on to the balcony with my head down and my arm propped up on my knee.

"I have returned master." I said calmly

"Did you bring what i requested?" he asked

"No sir... I looked into it but nothing I found matched your description of the blue spider lily. I have also come with some news. The demon slayer you mentioned before my departure. I was able to get rid of him so please keep a peace of mind." I said calmly. I could feel the room grow cold as the steps of the master echoed in my ear.

"I going to make this as clear as I can and this will be the only time I say it." he said in a cold tone a wave of force pushed towards me. As the wind dispersed I could feel my body start twitching to no extent. I could feel liquid pooling in the back of my throat as he spoke.

"You come back to me boating about the hashira you were able to kill but left four demon slayers alive. I want the demon slayer corps killed and yet no demon has been able to do it for hundreds of years." he said in a cold tone as i started to cough up blood as it spilled from my lips and dripped on to the floor.

"If you come and boast to me about a successful execution make sure all of the demon slayers you've encountered are out of the picture as well this includes the one you turned. Understood?" he said as my body finally stopped twitching. When i comprehended what he said I could be my heart drop.

"Y-yes sir." I said keeping my position.

"If you cant kill her.... Then bring her to me. Id like to see what happened in the changing process. You are dismissed." as he said that I stood to my feet and jumped back into the forest. I landed over to demon slayers blade that was stabbed into a tree. I could feel myself getting mad just looking at it. I started throwing my punches as the blade started to chip and crumble from my punches till there wasn't anything but the handle. I could feel my breath being heavy as I looked at the handle. I looked at the handle and remembered the boy who threw it at me.

"I wont forget his face... he will be killed by my hands." i said gripping the handle breaking it in half. I jumped into the trees and tried to compose myself making my way back to the cave. With every step i was trying to keep my composure. When i made it back it was just in time before the sun came up. I when to the back of the cave and sat down. I couldn't tell if Y/N was still in the forest or not but I didn't let it lingerie in my mind. One way or another... we will meet again.

sorry for the inconsistent updates I finally finished the entertainment districted in demon slayer an got some ideas for this chapter. I'll see you in the next chapter! bye bye!!!

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