The Aftermath: III

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A/N: Please ignore any scenes where you see Justin in the Total Drama Action Aftermath 3 intro.

Audience POV

The audience begins clapping and cheering as the Total Drama Action Aftermath show start with Geoff and Bridgette sitting on the couch.

Geoff: Yo, everyone! We're back for another "totally" off-the-hook Total Drama Action Aftermath Show! *Chuckles* Geoff here!

Bridgette: And I'm Bridgette! A ton has happened since we last saw you. "T. D. A." has lost some serious heavyweights. "Owen..."

Geoff: "The biggest of all, who is gonna leave a huge hole!"

Bridgette: "As well as Heather and Leshawna, who will be on soon."

Geoff: We've also got our buds from season one and losers from season two. So far, so good?

Bridgette: So far.

Geoff: Bridgette thinks we need to bring more insanity to the show.

Bridgette then looks at Geoff angrily towards Geoff.

Geoff: Uh, I mean profanity.

Bridgette then sucker punches Geoff's arm.

Geoff: Okay, okay, more humanity. Bridgette thinks I've gone too over the top. But then, so have our ratings!

Bridgette: *Laughs* Okay, I get this is a reality show and that "everyone" wants the dirt on what went down, but everyone on T. D. A.; who I'd like to remind Geoff are our friends, has already taken it up the wing-wing from Chris. Plus, they've lost out on a million bucks! I mean, isn't that brutal enough?! They should be able to come here and feel safe to speak their minds.

Geoff: No one goes on a reality show to feel safe, Bridge. "This isn't some cushy talk show." "Do you have any "idea" how incredible the lighting is on those shows, man?" I mean. "Who needs to win a million bucks when you look like a million bucks?"

Bridgette: Um, I'm not sure everyone would agree with you there.

Geoff: Well, our lighting stinks. "My dermatologist told me so, and so did my publicist and my new manager!"

Suddenly, A studio light fell near Geoff. He and Bridgette looked up to see two interns above them with another studio light in one of their hands, ready to drop it onto him.

Geoff: Nothing personal, guys; come on! "Point is, this isn't some touchy-feely place where people go to talk about their problems." "Well, they can, but I'm not gonna make them feel "any" better about 'em."

Bridgette: *Scoffs* Nice

Geoff: "Hey, I just do what our producers tell me." Can I help it if I take my job seriously, huh?! Maybe you should try.

Everyone: *Gasps*

Bridgette: Your job is to get the goods from people. How can they be open when they might get hit over the head with a hammer or an anvil?!

Geoff: Oh-ho-ho-ho! "How sweet is that anvil?" Come on! That's the point of the segment, to get the truth! We've got something even better in store for today's show, baby!

Bridgette: You've turned into a bully, you know that? A total Chris clone.

Geoff: *Chuckles* I'm with you, Bridge. Our show rocks! And we have not one, not two, but three sweet guests tonight! And because they're such great sports, they deserve something extra.

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