Love Signal 2021 (3)

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Back in the house, Kiki and Ziyi were looking through the sparse refrigerator while waiting for the rest to come back.

"Shall we prepare the rice first?" Ziyi suggested and Kiki nodded in agreement. After they popped the rice into the rice cooker, they stared at each other in awkward silence.

Both of them realising how they were awkward with each other started chuckling and Kiki broke the silence." Let's go look around the house and see what we can do."

[The two of them seems surprisingly compatible.]

[That awkward silence and laughter was pretty classic.]

On the other hand, the four of them gathered at the cashier to pay for the groceries. "Who bought so many cucumber chips?" Yue Yue asked as the cashier scanned the items.

Chengcheng, "YuXin likes to eat, so we got more of it."

His straightforward reply made YuXin blush slightly as he smiled at her direction. Meanwhile, Kun darted his eyes between the two with his eyebrows slightly raised.

Chengcheng, "Wah this bag of potatoes is enough for us all to eat for a week."

Kun glanced towards YuXin with a smirk before replying, "It's okay, potato goes well with everything, we can add potatoes to many dishes."

[I can't. I can't choose between Chengcheng or Kun Kun.]

[No one is asking you to choose. YuXin is the one choosing.]

YuXin just looked like she's in her own world as she started talking to Yue Yue. "Mei mei, did you get anything you like to eat?"

"Yeah I got some pasta. I'm planning to cook them tomorrow." She looked towards Kun. "Do you want to make dinner with me tomorrow?"

Kun, "I'll be working till late tomorrow, may not be able to make it back home in time to cook dinner."

The group fell into an awkward silence as Chengcheng hesitated to step up to cook with Yue Yue. In the end, YuXin brought forth the suggestion. "In that case, Chengcheng you can cook with Yue Yue tomorrow then Kun and I can make dinner the night after?"

She looked at the rest of them and Kun quickly nodded in agreement with his lips stretched to a bright smile. "Sounds like a good plan."

[Wahh, Kunxin couple having more opportunities together! I can't wait!]

[Did anyone notice the bitter smile on Chengcheng's face?]


[I'm telling you how they sit at the dining table is a strategy. I hope my kunxin couple can sit with each other.]

The others slowly sauntered to the dining table while Ziyi and Kiki were placing their dishes on the table for dinner. YuXin immediately walked over to help them carry the dishes to table, singing praises to their superb cooking skills. "The dishes all looks so appetising."

Kiki, "Most of them were cooked by Ziyi. I was just the assistant."

Ziyi quickly refuted with a smile, "No no, it was a team effort."

The rest of them though were still busy hovering around the table, all hesitant to take a sit.

Oblivious to the tension, Ziyi ushered them to sit as he took at the edge of the right hand corner and Kiki sat opposite of him.

Kun took his seat beside Ziyi and Yue Yue immediately sat down beside him. In the end, YuXin sat down opposite of Kun with Chengcheng beside her.

[The four of them are so interesting with this sitting arrangement.]

[Yue Yue is so courageous. I don't know if I can be like her.]

Chengcheng tilted closer to YuXin and lowered his voice, "Can you help me get the chicken over there? I can't reach it."

YuXin picked up a few slices of the chicken and placed it in his bowl. "Is there anything else you want?" She asked as she lean a little closer to him.

Smiling, Chengcheng shook his head and said thanks.

[Oh my gosh, Chengcheng!! Way to go!!]

Yue Yue blinked her eyes at Kun, "I can't get the dishes at the other side, can you help me?"

She caught him at the moment where he was in the middle of using his chopsticks to grab the dishes for himself and YuXin quickly stepped in and picked up the dishes for Yue Yue.

"Mei mei, here. I got it for you."

[Hahahaha YuXin is too funny! Is she little Ms helpful? ]

[Did she just stole the job of the guys? Hahahaha, the look on Yue Yue's face. She's so shocked.]

[Kun Kun too, did you all notice him clamping his lips together. He's trying not to laugh.]

[It's just the first day. We don't know how things would pan out and who YuXin would choose. As of now there's no clear and definite CP line.]


I realise I just kept dragging this piece on and on. Hopefully I can end it within 8 chapters! 

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