Love Signal 2021 (5)

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Kun Kun and YuXin were in the kitchen preparing the dinner. The both of them looked at the ingredients they've placed on the kitchen counter and spaced out for a moment.

"Kun.. To be honest, I'm not really good at cooking." YuXin answered with a shy laugh, scratching her nape.

Kun started chuckling and replied, "YuXin. To be honest, I'm also not good at it."

Their laughter soon filled the kitchen as they started laughing at each other's, confession, thinking about how badly they're going to screw up the dinner.

"It's okay, we will just try. If worse come to worse we will eat instant noodles." Kun gave YuXin a reassuring pat on her head and took an apron from the rack, putting it on YuXin and helping her tie a knot at the back.

YuXin did the same for Kun and she mumbled softly," Kun, what do you eat to grow this tall? "

[I feel like I'm watching a drama. They look so natural together.]

[Liu YuXin little girl has a lot of question hahahaha.]

[Is no one worried about their dinner?]

Even though the two of them were amateur cooks, they managed to work seamlessly together and whipped up a few decent dishes with Kun being the main chef and YuXin assisting.

[Aren't there too many potato dishes? Stir fried potatoes with tomatoes, chicken stew with potato cubes and potato salad. Mr Cai Xukun only know how to cook potatoes?]

[Mr Cai: I only need to learn how to cook my lover's favourite dishes.]

"Most of the dishes are cook by you, I should cook some too." YuXin commented and looked at the spare ribs on the table.

"I'll cook sweet and sour ribs then."

She took out a pan and poured a Liberal amount of oil on it and waited for the oil to heat up before tossing the ribs in. The pan immediately sizzle and the oil started splattering out of the pan.

Kun quickly stepped in front of YuXin and shielded her from the oil splatters protectively, "Careful of the oil, it's hot."

[Wah, Kun is really a boyfriend material! If I'm YuXin I'd totally choose him.]

[You're not. Stop dreaming.]

YuXin wasn't lying or being coy about her cooking skills when she said she's bad at it. Her finished product turned out to be charred ribs that looked totally unappetising.

Glancing at her fail product, she puffed her cheeks up unhappily and said, "Let's not eat this. I think the rest of the dishes are enough."

"I'll eat it." Kun gave a reassuring smile and patted her head gently.

He placed the dishes on the table while YuXin rounded the rest up for dinner. Kun set YuXin's cup right beside his seat and YuXin automatically sat down beside him. YuXin's dish was placed directly in front of Kun.

As the rest settled down for the meal, Ziyi commented, "Are we having potato feast today?"

Kun stifled a laugh and said, "Sorry, I only learned how to cook potatoes."

Ziyi darted his eyes between Kun and YuXin and gave a knowing nod with a smile.

Kiki, "What's this charred plate of food?" She pointed at YuXin's creation with an apprehensive look.

YuXin gave an embarrassed chuckle, "Ah, I messed up the food.."

Sensing her discomfort, Kiki quickly picked up a spare rib and placed into her bowl and Ziyi quickly follow suit. "It's okay, we can't judge the rib by the looks."

Chengcheng also grabbed one and put in his bowl, "I'm also curious how it's going to taste like."

The three of them chewed on the ribs with a complicated look on their face, some with their eyebrows knitted, some with no expression at all.

Curiosity got better of Yue Yue and she took a bite of the ribs as well. "Wah, it's really bitter!"

"Let's not eat it." YuXin persuaded the rest of them to stop eating and stood up, wanting to take her plate of ribs away when Kun pressed her shoulder down gently.

"It's okay, the rest of you can eat the other dishes." He shifted the plate of ribs on his table mat. "I'll eat this."

Chengcheng immediately chimed in, "It's not that bad. Kun, put some in my bowl."

[The two of them are using their lives to fight for their love literally.]

[Ahhh this is so good!! I'm having diabetes!]


It's time for the first date segment, the male contestants have prepared three different boxes of gift with the outfit for the girls and the girls would choose their date of the day according to the gift.

The three girls looked at the three different gift boxes in the room and pondered about the choices.

"Every single box looks so intricately packed, I don't know which to choose," Kiki lamented.

Yue Yue looked at her with a sly smile nudging her, "But there's only one guy you want to go out with isn't it?"

Kiki's face started to blush as she turned the attention to YuXin, "YuXin, which one do you want to choose?"

"I'm okay with all, you can choose first." She smiled and ushered them to take their pick. In the end, Kiki picked the purple gift box while Yue Yue settled for the white gift box and YuXin was left with the red box.

They opened the boxes and Kiki's box had a  denim jacket within." This is pretty nice."

Yue Yue's box had a white chiffon knee length dress. "The guys have rather good taste." Yue Yue commented.

YuXin's box contained a vintage long sleeve shirt with bold prints and Kiki immediately commented, "This is your box. It must be for you."

YuXin let out a silly laugh shyly, "but I have no idea whose box this is."

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