You Are My Guardian Angel? 3

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"First step towards catching the attention of a male - learn to keep the conversation going." Kun lectured while YuXin sat down at her sofa, writing down the notes in the notebook like a studious school girl. Kun plopped down right beside her and took away her pen, shifting his position such that he is facing her directly. 

"Live practice is much better than writing down these notes." Kun shifted YuXin's shoulders such that she is facing him directly too. 

Blinking her innocent doe eyes, YuXin looked into Kun's eyes, "Hmm?" 

Pushing her forehead with his index finger playfully, Kun grinned. "What hmm, strike a conversation with me and try to keep the conversation going." 

"Ohh.. okay." YuXin rubbed her forehead gently and nodded quickly. "Umm, how did you become a guardian angel?" 

Kun, "Skip. Another question." 

YuXin, "You must be really old to be a guardian angel.. Are you like a century year old?" 

Kun closed his eyes to contain his seething frustration. "Skip." 

Biting her lips, YuXin asked again, "Then.. Are you naturally fair or are you fair now because you are a spirit?" 

"Liu. Yu. Xin." Kun prodded is forehead with every syllable said. "What kind of weird questions are you throwing out here?" 

Sighing, he looked straight into her eyes. "Watch and learn." 

The scowl on his face changed into a charismatic smile immediately and he started the conversation going. "You seemed to be really into dance, do you dream of opening your dance studio in the future?" 

Following the question, YuXin replied with her eyes twinkling in delight as she shared about her own dreams. Kun proceeded to kept the conversation going, nodding his head and asking one question after the other to know more about her. As the conversation flowed, Kun started scooting nearer to YuXin and soon he had his arm resting over on her shoulder naturally. 

"I really want to have a puppy -" Yuxin stopped halfway in her speech with her smile still on her face when Kun's face inched closer to hers. With the side of his lips stretched into a smile, he moved closer to her and stopped when their nose nearly touch. YuXin held her breath in shock and stared at him with her eyes unblinking. 

Grinning, he pulled back and pulled his arm away from YuXin's shoulder, stretching his arms up. "There, lesson one done." 

Kun cast a side glance at YuXin and was surprised to see her cheek blushing pink as she sat there in a trance. "Hey, are you alright?" Kun waved his hand in front of her face in panic. 

YuXin blinked her eyes quickly and nodded, coming back from her own thoughts. "Y-Yeah.. I was just surprised." 

"Pfft. Dont tell me our little YuXin had never been this close to a guy before." Kun teased with his hand stroking her soft hair like he is comforting a kid. "Well, I have never dated before.. " YuXin answered softly. 

Kun stopped stroking her head and gave her shoulder a light squeeze. "Your wish will be granted soon." 


"Wake up sleepy head!" Kun hollered as he stood in front of YuXin's bed, looking down at the girl who had her entire body tucked under the blanket except her half covered face that was peeking out. YuXin started whining and turning to her side, using the pillow to cover her ears. Still, she was no match for Kun's relentless voice and she pulled up the pillow under her head and threw it straight at Kun. 

"Oof." The pillow smacked right on Kun's stomach. What the.. how is it that it didn't pass right through me?  

Kun used the pillow and hit YuXin's back, "Wake up you violent kitten." 

He pulled her arm and dragged her to an upright position, "It's already 10am sleepyhead. You are going to be late." 

Upon hearing the time, YuXin jumped out of bed and ran straight to the bathroom. 

It's been a week since Kun stayed with YuXin and he'd gradually taken over the responsibility of waking the girl up. Due to her habit of sleeping at wee hours of the morning, she always find it difficult to wake up in the morning and Kun naturally became her physical alarm clock. 

YuXin finally build up the courage to strike a conversation with her crush and even though she wasn't as skillful as how Kun was, she was able to carry a casual conversation with him. Looking at the two who are currently having a rather animated conversation with each other, Kun scowled in the corner, feeling a slight tinge in his heart as he see YuXin smiling towards the tanned muscular guy. 

I still don't get what she sees in him. 


As usual, YuXin was the last to leave the dance studio, refining her dance moves while Kun sat there observing her as usual. "My dear YuXin classmate, aren't you tired from dancing?" Kun stifled a yawn, bored of sitting in the dance studio for so long. 

"I just think this part needs to be edited. Shh, don't disturb me." 

"Whatever, I'm going to loiter elsewhere quieter. See you later." Kun stood up and left the room. 

He started wandering out of the studio to a nearby park, enjoying the serenity by the lake on his own. Somehow, the serenity of the place failed to keep his heart still and he felt a sense of uneasiness being away from YuXin. 

"Forget it, I'll just go back to her." 

As he reached the building, he was shocked to see the whole building in pitch black without any source of light. There was a power trip and the whole building was now engulfed in darkness. Kun rushed towards the dance studio immediately, shouting for YuXin as he entered the studio. 

"YuXin!  YuXin are you alright?" 

He spotted YuXin huddled in the corner of the room with her knees close to her chest and arms wrapped around her knees. "Kun.. there's a power trip.. where are you?" Her voice trembled softly showing how scared she was. 

He rushed to her and pulled her into his arms, comforting her as he stroked her back, "I'm here. Why didn't you use your phone?" Feeling her trembling figure in his embrace, Kun felt an ache in his head and a frown was etched on his face. 

"It's out of battery.." YuXin replied. "What do we do now? I can hardly see anything.." 

In the pitch black studio, YuXin could hardly see anything but she felt herself becoming more relax with Kun's soothing touch and familiar voice. Kun let out a soft sigh and squat down beside YuXin, pulling her arms over his shoulders. "I'll just piggyback you out of this building." 

"No way! What if people see us?" YuXin shook her head in disagreement. How weird would it be if someone spot her floating in midair. 

Raising his hand, Kun hit her head lightly and chided, "It's pitch black here who can see us? Besides, it's so late in the night no one except for silly kitten would be awake." 

"Next time, don't practice till so late alone at night. It's not safe." Kun reminded as he walked out of the studio. 

Grinning, YuXin wrapped her arms around Kun and rest her chin on his shoulder. "Hehe, it's okay. I have a century old guardian angel looking out for me anyway." 


Thank you for your comments on this story! 😂 I really enjoy writing this piece. Hope you guys have fun reading!

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