Chapter 6: (LOW ARC)

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A/n: me being my dumb self forgot to mention that she has been speaking Japanese for the past while. I planned to make that reveal when she realized that she was in Naruto, an anime.

Someone pointed out that I called Kakashi small or short when describing him. This is because he is 5'11(181 cm). Now that I think about it, that can be considered tall. However, I am around that height, so I consider it 'average', even though my height is also actually tall.

Its just perspective. And I have warped perception of reality and unique standards.




Low laughter came from Zabuza, and everyone's heads whipped towards him. He didn't stop, continued until he was laughing maniacally, loudly. His grey-ish, bare shoulders pulsed with his sporadic laughter, and his head was thrown back in a guffaw.

He was tired, so very tired. But so angry.

I don't know how I could tell, I just knew. But-

Monstrous. No. Unnatural. Kill. No. Stop. Kill. Kill. KILL

Chakra seemed to take a demonic form around Zabuza, enveloping him in purple, and his head snapped down to glare at me with storm grey eyes. Suddenly -WARNING- Kubikiribōchō was swung in such a way that it would bisect me had I not ducked. I caught my hand unfurling my scroll before I jumped back as he aimed a kick at me.


"Zabuza!" I barked out in between dodging another slice of the giant sword. I was scared. Terrified. This is a trained killer for hire and I'm someone who was thrown into this situation- "Desist, you mongrel-"

He was still laughing, but suddenly stopped. I did too.

Did I just call him a mongrel?

Where the hell is my self preservation?!

"Kiriko," he growled, tossing his sword back so that the flat side could rest on his shoulder. "Long time no see."

He didn't sound like an old friend reuniting. He sounded as I expected; like he hated my very existence. I didn't care for this, instead thinking. 'My name... 'Kiriko,' like 'Mist Child'? No, no, no, no my name is Hana-'

I swallowed thickly, face twitching under the metal plated mask.

But this body... it has a name? Well, of course it- she does. But...

"My name is Kiriko?" Tumbled out of my lips before I could stop it. Stupid body, stupid mistakes, why would I say that?! Zabuza's eyes widened minutely in surprise - because, seriously. What kind of a person doesn't know their own name?!- before narrowing. Haku got up on his feet, glancing at everyone on the bridge with trepidation before stepping back to Zabuza's side. I thought carefully. "You know me." It wasn't a question, but it felt like one. Or maybe it was a plea. He knows who this body belongs to(he doesn't know me. I'm dead. No one here knows me). So it wasn't just a random encounter between young me and him, where we fought. But what does this mean?

He snorted suddenly. Derisively.

"Always meddling."

I- this body- meddles with what? How does she-me- she know him?

I decided to file this away, again. Now is not the time for questions. I'm trying to save you!

But how?

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