the most embarrassing moment of my life

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So in my last QnA DontBeAngry asked me two things.
1. My most embarrassing story.
2. Have I ever been sick in public.

So as I promised I'll write two chapters for the stories here I'm with the first one...

So I have a condition know as KairaKeepsDropingThingsOffHerHands syndrome.
This is the syndrome, where I keep on dropping things off my hand (unintentionally ofc). Like I have two left hands.


((Just kill me someone))

So this story doesn't sounds much interesting nor funny neither embarrassing but it was for me atleast..
The most embarrassing thing happened to me..
So when I was in 2nd grade, I participated in a fancy dress competition (lookalike competition) where I went as a fairy. A FREAKING PINK, BIPITY BOPITY BOO FAIRY.🤦🏻‍♀️
So from my class me and my two other friends had participated. So our competition was held in another school.

Well we had 1 hour road trip, So back then I used to get nauseous in every road trip (I still do SOMETIMES).
So when we reached there we were welcome with candies and Flowers.. yes Freaking flowers.. I mean who on earth welcomes kids with FLOWERS??!

We were ordered to settle in a classroom and change and get ready for the event. So then we were divided into 4 classes 2 classes for males and 2 classes for females.. so the first mess I did was I ACCIDENTALLY.. accidentally spilled water all over my stuff and I had to stay in my underwear for 10mins infront of strangers. I wanted to die at that moment.

Any ways after 30 mins i was all ready and the teachers did our makeup. And we were called up for the performance, so me and my friends got near the stage and stayed there for 15minutes. After 15mins my name was called.. and I have a hard name to spell so ofc they had to pronounce it in a wrong way.

So I got on the stage and literally just screamed "hiya there strangers"💀🤦🏻‍♀️
I everyone were silent so to make things more awkward, out of nowhere I  sang a song in a horrible voice which address that " I'm a fairy don't touch me I'm a fairy" in hindi (an Indian language)
And everyone started laughing and the jerk teachers also started to laugh. 😖

And to make the situation more worse I ran out off the stage and AGAIN ACCIDENTALLY ran into the MALES CHANGING ROOM, WHEN THEY WERE HALF NAKED!! 😶😳
And I think u can imagine the rest.
At that moment I just wanted the land to burst open and swallow me.

So that's the most embarrassing story of mine.

Hope y'all liked my embarrassing story and the second story will be published later this week as I have exams from tomorrow so..
*coping my Deedlydoo*

No really bye my Jellybeans.

501 words wow 🤔🤟🏻

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