Getting Sick In Public...

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And here's the second story...
(I hate my life)
Earlier in the previous chapter I mentioned that I get nauseous in every Road trip so this story is about that when I just turned 13...
So the thing is that, my family and my father's friend's family planed to have a LONG road trip.
And I'm not gonna lie I love to travel, I love adventures.. but I wasn't ready for the consequences..
I always take a pill before any kind of trip, the pill helps to lower the chances of nausea.
But my clumsy ass forgot to take the pill.

The families we were traveling with were super sassy, nosey. And one of the member was a straight bitchy ass Karen.
She just kept on ranting and bragging about her 2 year old freaking kid who can only say googoo gaga...(I know weird right)
Anyways  she kept on bragging and then she attacked me asking zillions of questions and giving me the most shittiest advice I've ever heard of...

After 2 hours of sitting straight I didn't felt good and remembered
"FUCK!! I didn't took my pill..."
I searched my bag to find any gum but I was out of them..
After another 1 hour I asked my dad to stop the car, and I wasn't feeling well so I needed some air..

I got down the car and started to do some breathing exercises. I had wet wipes so I cleaned my face and took a deep breath and was about to turned around and get up in the vehicle but that Karen had to.. HAD TO STICK HER NOSE IN MY BUSINESS.

She said
"If u didn't felt good why didn't u took some medication or better stayed home"
That bitch just crossed her line my mom and my dad couldn't say anything to her as she was my father's best friend's wife. So It was upto me, but I wasn't feeling well..

I was about to say something when I felt like throwing up but that bitch said
"You just wasted 30 mins and now we will be 30mins late"
That moment I couldn't hold myself together and throwed up all over her (she was literally soaked in my.. u know what...)

After that we had to book another cab where she herself travelled alone to the hotel.

After a while I said sorry to her husband but surprisingly he replied
"Nah don't be sorry, its natural issues u can't control it.. besides she deserved it"
I couldn't believe my ears.. he just said that.. I felt so good, that all the way to the hotel I only talked to him.. we became really close.

So long story short Karen got what she deserved, I made a really great friend and the best uncle.. and DontBeAngry got the story she wanted..

The trip was for 12 days and on the 10th day we found out that the Karen was cheating on her husband and... well she got divorced within 10days..
And now I have a new aunt who is just as sane as I'm.. and she is the most amazing aunt I've ever got.. and I'm gonna be a big sister within this couple of months...
Yay me...

So that's all for this chapter Jellybeans..
Cy'all in a new chapter with crazy stories or other stuff...
Until then
Love u 🖤

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