...My Chaotic Birth...

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So as I promised... here I'm with the story of my birth.
This is going to be a bad idea...
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So before u read, I was born on 2 May 2006. Tuesday, at 1:30 pm IST.
my dad's a dentist.. and my mom is a regular homemaker. So back then, my dad's own brother aka my uncle was in his freshermen year. And he is afraid of blood and injection.
The day when I was born is the day when my grandparents got married.

Now onto the story...

On 1st May 2006, my dad made my mom to have a walk as she was a bag of laziness... so my mom walked...

Next day, i.e 2nd May, 11am morning my mom got out of the bed to pee, that's when her water broke. •_• (sorry mum it wasn't my fault... blame papa)

My uncle was in the next room shaving his beard. My mom didn't knew whom to call so she called my uncle in a scary way... my uncle, being young and scared of blood and not familiar with any of this stuff became petrified in the other room...
And my grandma was in the kitchen cooking. When she heard my mom's screams..  my mom started to swear in my mother tongue.

My grandma rush to mom's room and grabbed my mom. My uncle half shaved and petrified stood there thinking my mom might have gave birth in the toilet...(wth was wrong with that guy) after a few seconds he gained consciousness and called my father who was performing a dental surgery. My father picked up the phone and was shocked to hear the news.. but as he was in the middle of the surgery he can't make it in time... so he called his friend. Both of My mom and grandma literally cursed my uncle the whole way to the hospital... my poor uncle..

His friend was supposed to drive mom to the nursing home but that idiot drove to my father clinic.... on the other hand as my mom was screaming in pain, my uncle was screaming in horror and shock.. my grandma was screaming in confusion... then my grandpa the came in the scenario.. he instantly called a cab, and took mom to the hospital...

On the other side my father was mad at his friend and was arguing in his clinic,  everyone was screaming in different places...

After 10 min my dad and his friend rushes to the hospital and my grandma start going nuts on both of them...

In short there were a lot of screaming while I was coming out of my mum's tummy.

My grandma always wanted to have a baby girl but failed so she wanted me to be a girl..

After an hour the whole neighbourhood came to see me... (even tho I wasn't out yet.. )

Fast forward to 01:30pm

I was out... and an idiotic neighbour just by looking at my face announced that it's a boy cuz I'm my father's female version...  my grandma was a bit upset, but she had a beaming smile on her face...
Everyone started to clap, dance go crazy when the doctor came in and said that the baby is a girl, they kicked the guy out of the hospital for spreading the wrong news.

After hearing this my grandma sprinted over to hold me... after all the holding and cuddling... my dad took me to my uncle... who was still a bit petrified and half shaved... to hold me... but he was so scared.. he refused he said he is untrained and he will break me... seriously 🤦🏻‍♀️

So the day when my mom first held me was after 5 days... literally 5 days cuz she was scared...  and my uncle held after 2 months... 🥲

My father and grandma almost killed the guy who announced that I was a boy. And he wasn't invited when the 6 month ceremony was held... (I think that's an Indian thing especially for the Bengalis, most of you won't have any idea of what it is.. so think that it's a ceremony)

Well not much chaos but its funny...

That's all for this chapter peeps...
C'ya in the next chapter..
'Till then
Bai...*copping deedlydoo*

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