Once Upon A Time In the life of Kaira

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So this story happened 2 years ago, don't remember the date lol.. but it was late August I guess...

Anyways just a few background infos...
Whenever I'm on my periods I don't get much cramps but when it happens it hurts like helllllll...  I'm always bitchy when I'm all by myself, with my school besties and with my older cousins... but a sweet as sugar infront of me parents and relatives no matter how much I wanna punch someone.

So onto the story now...

((Owww.. something inside me just burst.. that would be my brain probably bcz of recalling that incident...))

Oh and Guys I can't stop wheezing remembering a funny incident happened last year during the hurricane ird remember the name lol..
My grandparents live in another state in our country so they called me and said that a man in his early 70s who looks like chopsticks.. LITERALLY CHOPSTICKS..😂🥢 just found hanging on a tree branch trying to hide his Reproductive organ because the hurricane was so fast that it literally made that man flew away..🙄😳
I mean like fuck was he that light weighted... 🤣🤣

Okay now sirusly here we gooooooooooooooooooo....

It was the 2nd day of my periods and it was hella depressing, so my older cousins thought of paying me a visit.. they were 4 of them 3 brothers and 1 sister but they can be sweet, funny, idiotic, dickheads, whore sometimes... and when they're with me they can be everything. Let's give them some names shall we..
1st brother: Mr. Crackhead (18yrs old)
2nd brother: Mr. Funny( 18yrs old)
3rd brother: Mr. Idiot (17yrs old)
And my sister: Ms. Sweet (16yrs old)
And I was 14 years old..

Basically my parents were going out for 2days for some urgent conference so they left me with my cousins and as expected they came over at my house, Ms. Sweet handed me a tub of chocolate icecream and a dark chocolate bar. Mr. Idiot being idiot just snatched my icecream and took a GIGANTIC BITE FROM IT!!

He almost got his fingers chopped that day but unfortunately Mr. Crackhead and Mr. Funny stopped us.
Mr. Funny and Mr. Idiot were acting like freaking 10years old playing sword fight with spoon, while me, Mr. Crackhead and Ms. Sweet were in the kitchen cooking our lunch (I didn't cook I just helped) when suddenly a spoon came flying through the air and broke my mom's favorite cup. We were dead. Ms. Sweet went to check the boys and screamed, me and Mr. Crackhead ran out of the kitchen and saw that our living room(hall) was a hell, I almost killed those two for pulling off this stunt.

And within 5mins mom called to check up on us as the neighbors (karens) said that they heard some loud shouts and screams. So we said that were being Angels and didn't do anything wrong lying about the cup and the mess. Well after 2hours the house was back to normal, we were bored not knowing what to do, so Mr. Funny suggested to go out and watch a movie.. so I called my parents and they said unless I'm with my "cUrReNt gAuRdIaNs" I can do whatever I wanna do..

So we got ready and went for the movies, booked tickets and waited for 20mins, at that moment I bought a giant popcorn bucket it was a size of a full grown cat and that was only for me no one could even look at it, I just love popcorns (don't worry I paid for my own thing). We went inside the theater and the movie started.. I ended up kicking Mr. Crackhead in his abdomen for stealing popcorns from me there.

Anywho after 2hours it was already 8:55pm and we actually had nothing to do so we booked a cab and went to a roadside restuarant without roof (I hope u got the idea of what I'm talking about if not irdc). Mr. Idiot started an arguement with some random 16yrs old boy about pokemon.. like seriously POKEMON?!! And ofc we all ended up soaking in rice and curry (yes we had a food fight and yes we paid) we were lucky that the owner didn't called the cops or worse our parents. We got back home and freshened up. After a while we planned to stay up all night. Well I was on my period and I had my mood swings so obviously my dumbass ass said yes to them.
And we build a pillow fort. Played truth and dare. And worst of all we sang.. for which my neighbors almost broke our door. Karens being Karens... they ordered us to call our parents in front of them so we did..

The house was a mess but we were super tired and just slept over on another like a rock pile... and our peaceful sleep was broken by a horrific scream.. well that was my parents and my cousins's parents as well and you can imagine what happened next.. we were grounded for 2weeks.
Also we never told any of our parents about the restaurant story lol...

That's the end of the story.. I know tooo boring but I don't care..
See y'all in the next chapter byeeee...

Tagging some lazzyasses who need to get tagged or informed to read something.
Sirusly guys am I that boring..? 🤨

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