Another Embarrassment in Kaira's Life

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So 5 years back I used to learn dance, yeah I'm quite bad at it as I left dancing that day when the humiliation struck...
But I still dance a lot
(Ofc when I'm alone)
So this story is Hella embarrassing for me...
So I hope u enjoy it.. cuz I've seen you like my embarrassing stories.

*screaming internally*


A/N: I used to learn Odissi dance, one of the principal classical dance styles of India; others include bharata natyam, kuchipudi, kathak, kathakali, and manipuri. it is indigenous to odisha, eastern India. (Too much info ik.. but irdc just get over with it)

Okay so it was a fine Sunday evening, I went at my grandma's to chill when suddenly my mom burst opens the door dragged me to another room and ordered to get dressed because "a really important" assho– I meant a guy wants to have a small "inspection" with the dancers.

I was totally fine with it so I dressed up and left for the class. When I entered the class all eyes were at me not because I'm some sort of vip or something (BTW I never was lol) it's because that was the first time I was on time.

I walked near my only friend there let's call her bubbles because she had a bubbly personality. We warmed up for 30mins and then the inspector came in sat on his chair and said that the inspection would be in 3 stages..

1st stage was to do a group dance on a random classical beat.
2nd stage was to find a partner and dance on the given beat.
3rd was solo dance. (that's where I messed up •_•)

The first round was so easy, but the inspector just kept on changing the beat in every 3mins. And during the second round I paired up with Bubbles, as we already had a dance we practiced alone...
2nd round was a bit tough bcz our teacher just kept eyeing us to change the forms and do it a lot slower than the usual speed.

Now its time where I messed up and ended up embarrassing myself.
I was called and they played a beat which I had to observe and then after 5 minutes I had to perform.

And you won't believe that the beat was the worst beat I've ever heard, it was so slow that my mind couldn't process any moves and the only move that my mind could process was the "slow wavy hip dandce" move. (irdk what it's actually called lol)

So in our dance routine we don't have much hip movements so that wasn't applicable for the performance.
The 1st mess I did was to tie my Ghungroo (the Jingly thingy that Indian classical dancers wear on the legs above the ankle) really loose, which I  ended up AcCiDeNtAlLy throwing it across the room right next to the inspector's books.
2nd mess was when, I did the horrible dance ever seen in the dance history.
And 3rd I ended up doing that hip dance which I wasn't allowed.

After 5mins I was been dragged out of the room by my teacher, who kept on screaming and screaming. My mom went nuts and started to scream infront of the other parents.

I never was this humiliated after that incident happened during my 2nd grade.
Well at the end of that day I ended up being recorded by my friend bubbles, getting kicked out of the school.

Well that's the one of my embarrassing stories... 😳😳
Stay tuned for more.
I love u guys...

Tagging some people who like my embarrassing stories

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