Kaira Yeeting People off Something

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So the most voted topic is "Kaira Yeeting people off something".

So there will be 1 short stories how I  yeeted "someone off something"

** a few background infos **
When I'm in a  very bad mood I kinda like to throw stuff here and there as a stress relief... poor stuff I know... but sorry not sorry. So In my life I've yeeted 3 people including my annoying cousin sister. Also I'm obsessed with teddy bears, I love to cuddle.

So this is the first story when I was 13...

I used to own a 3feet tall teddy bear it was chestnut brown (it reminds me of my Wattpadicall twin's hair lmao) so I took it with me wherever I travelled. So in one trip me and family went to visit my eldest cousin's family.. and my cousin knew that I'm a psycho so he kept saying nice things and always made small talks but he has a younger brother, 4years older than me who was a bully and rude af towards me.

So let's give these two brothers a name...
The older brother: Mr. Dobby
The younger brother: Mr. Grumpy

So one day I couldn't sleep so I asked Mr. Dobby to give me some chocolates or chewing gums because I was out of them and they help me in stress relief.. so Mr. Dobby gave me a chocolate bar from Mr. Grumpy's stash. So I said to Mr. Dobby to say thanks to Mr. Grumpy for the chocolate. But the next day I couldn't find my teddy, and I searched it for everywhere.. I started to cry as it was my favorite teddy. After 3hours of sobbing my dad got me a bag of chocolate bars.

At the evening I found my teddy soaked in black and green paint near a swear, I was fuming.. and I knew who have done that.. Mr. Grumpy. I was silent for the rest of the day, next day was our last day there I said to Mr. Grumpy that let's race to the gate no elevators only the stairs, before we leave Mr. Grumpy agreed we were running down the stairs I gave him a little nudge.

Well I guess u have already guessed what I did, I yeeted him off the stairs but don't worry he just rolled down 5 stairs and then hit the ground. Unfortunately he didn't bleed or got a bump in his head, When I got in our cab I just said " I hope u like the payback" and with that I haven't seen them till this day.. and I don't know when will I see that jerk again.  And I don't feel mean for what I did. It's just a simple payback.

Well that's the story..
C'Ya in another chapter..

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