...My Wizarding Life...

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So let's me tell you about my Wizarding life...

Let's start shall we...

(Note: "W" means Wizarding)

W. Name: Kaira Jade River. (Soon to be Kaira Riddle)
Nickname: Kai (but Kaira is much better) or rebel.
Date Of Birth: 02.05.2006
Age: 15.
Parents: nope you ain't gonna get that info.
House: Slytherin. 🐍
Year: 5th.
Blood status: Pure Blood
Wand: spruce Wood, Dragon Heartstring core, 13 inch, solid Flexibility.
Patronus: Magpie.
Favorite spell: Crucio, Accio and Obliviate.
Favorite potion: Veritaserum.
Bogart: Dementors and Lizards .
Favorite prof. From the Golden trio era: Prof. Lupin, Prof. McGonagall and Prof. Snape.
Favorite W.place: Astronomy Tower, Hogwarts.
Dream W. Job: Auror.
Love life: Single AF.
Quidditch position: Chaser.
Besties with: Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy.

Well I think that's enough... comment down your answers (your hogwart life)

Again tagging some Lazzybutts... who only reads when they're bothered... *sighs*

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