Kaira And Her Weird Ass Haunted Stories

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Hey there...
So this is another horror story..
This didn't actually happened to me...
It was experienced by one of my aunts...

Some people find it lame

But..I kinda find it a bit scary so hope you enjoy reading it...

Here have some popcorn 🍿or fries 🍟

Wait for it....
Just a sec....
Yes I'm ready...

(I ain't doing that it's was a silent night shit-)

Yes so..
My aunt was traveling somewhere with her colleagues,
They're trip was for 15 days.
So it was the 2nd day (probably or 3rd doesn't matter), they stayed in a huge house which belonged to one of her colleague's family.
Like all creepy stories the house was old.

So at first they didn't sensed any shady things...
But on the 2nd/3rd day my aunt sensed a few odd things like footsteps at midnight, things getting replaced etc.

So one night she asked the house owner about the house...
They said that this house is almost 50-60 years old.
So it is obvious that atleast 1 people died there... but no... instead of 1...
4 people died...
Can u believe it?!
Like who the fuck will stay there afterwards...
But no.. like me, my stubborn ass aunt stayed.

*fast forward to 7th day*

She woke up late night... due to idk what... maybe night mare or she needed to pee or something like that...
She heard some intense footsteps out side her room. She got scared and didn't came out of the room...

Next day she asked her 2 of best friend to inspect the situation. So that night they had a sleep over. It was a windy night. (Kinda peaceful in my opinion).

Sorry ... I just love creepy things...

At night (sorry guys dunno the time, but is that really necessary?)
They were super excited and creeped out. The wind started to blow so hard that the window glasses started shaking.

And then.
(Dun Dun Dunnnn...)
The glasses stopped shaking.
There was a thick silence and the only sounds that they could hear was the sound of their breathing, and the intense footsteps...
Then the windows started shaking again and trust me.. they saw a blurred silhouette of a person on the window screen.
So one of the friend got near the window and opened it...
No one.. nothing was there.
The footsteps stopped as well.

Suddenly my aunt realised that someone was behind her. But who no one knows.. bot of her friends were infront of her so it wasn't either of them.
Then who was it???

My aunt didn't narrated what happened afterwards the only thing she said that she someone was behind me and I could feel it was breathing down on my neck. And afterwards she passed out..

Okay so that was it...
Yes that's it.
Nothing to continue.
Now... it's time for the tags...
1Dx11years (I know you ain't active now a days... but this tag is to remind u I still remember my Twinny)

Well that's all folks...
See y'all in another chapter..
Till then...

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