...My Fears...

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So today in this chapter I'll be listing down my fears/phobias...

But first I just have 1 question for those who has fears of Clowns..
"Why.. literally why do u get scared of them?"

Now onto the list shall we..

So my 1st phobia is the fear of losing someone close.
I don't know why.. but I'm pretty sensitive person.. like I often cry when something sad I going on. Maybe that made me become sensitive and made me have a fear of losing someone.

My 2nd phobia is...
Heights, I have the phobia of Height. Well this phobia started when I was 4 or 5 when I accidentally slipped 2 steps an rolled down the whole staircase. Luckily I didn't had much injuries. But for that, i still get scared till this day. But again weird part is, I love to stand on the edges, cliffs etc etc.

My 3rd phobia is...
My parents finding out about my Wattpadicall life. I know many of u have this same fear.. so I ain't gonna explain.

My 4th Phobia is...
Fucking lizard falling on me. I hate lizards.

My 5th phobia is..
Failure. I'm damned when I fail something...

My 6th and last phobia is....
People texting me something serious and then...........silence....... and when they don't reply to my texts.. my heart beats rises... which results in panicking.. and when they finally reply. The thing I do is to scream via texts...
And I mean it... never ever leave me on cliffhanger while texting.
Risitaxxreadsalot the only person who has experienced this.

Well I guess that's all.. if I discover more fears then I'll continue that in some other future chapters...
Until then byeeeee...
Love y'all my Jellybeans..

Oh and comment down your fears below as well...

Again some tags:

Idk why but I love tagging people... weird I know... but meh irdc.. enjoy reading tagged people... ;)

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