13. Suited and booted

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School is amazing, Charles is amazing, I feel amazing. Life is amazing. I know y'all aint heard from me in a while but I been laying low key getting ready for action. Charles say it's a war brewing and he needs his lady ready for whatever. So I've been training in how to become a hood gangster wife boot camp, that's what I like to call it.

I've learned how to shoot damn near every gun, as well as taking them apart and cleaning them and putting them back together. We've even practiced mock situations if a intruder came into our home or if something happened to Charles and what I'm supposed to do, go and who to see. He gave me a burner phone with all the connects numbers in it cause I'm to take over his empire if anything happens to him. He showed me where the money was, bank accounts, which businesses is a front and which one are legit. He said he didn't want it to be where I was left in dark if game day ever came. He take me on business trips now as a investor, he told me to watch everything and ask any question that I may not understand after we leave.

I've been to school everyday and even took up a few activities like swimming, arts and crafts and home and careers. I can swim like a Olympic nationalist, redecorate and build anything I want from scratch and I also can cook and bake like an elder born in the 60's. Everything from scratch from the bread, gravy, sauces, cakes, pies, ice cream. You name it I can make it and if I don't know how just give 40 mins and google, tweak a few ingredients to my liking and BAM we got the best pot or pan of food since sliced bread.

"I finally spoke to Aunty Nez." I said to Charles as I was stepping out the shower and walking towards my vanity set.

"That's dope. How's she's doing? She back to herself? Charles asked while walking up behind me massaging my shoulders and neck.

"She seemed fine. She said something about not letting that one situation turn her into one of those I don't need a man robots." I said chuckling and brushing my hair into a high genie ponytail.

"Yeah she's still young and got her own bag. She can definitely pull something if she went back out on the market. Tell her don't throw in the towel yet." Charles said then gently pulled my head backwards to give me a kiss on my lips.

"I'll talk to her more when I get over there, she invited me over for game night/movie night like we use to." I said checking the time, it is 12:44pm. "I'm going to the mall and grab a few things for us. I'll see you back here around like 4 and then heads to Aunty Nez around 5:30." I said while putting my eye liner on.

"That's cool I have a few drops to make and money to collect. What's for dinner?" Charles said while walking by me palming my breast and rubbing my nipple.

"I'm not sure yet. Probably a choice between Chinese food or" I thought for a moment more. "No Chinese it is, I could go for some beef lo mien"

"You and this beef lo mien, you gone turn into a lo mien. Alright bet, I'll be back home around 8pm, call me if you need me to come pick you up." Charles said walking out the door grabbing the car keys off the mantle.

I finished with my hair, make up, getting dressed and adding any additional accessories I felt like I needed. I remember when my hair and accessories weren't even a thought for me, I just wanted decent clothes and shoes that didn't have holes in them. Look at me now, thanks to Aunty Nez and Charles I am one of the flyest if not the flyest chick in school. I went down stairs and hoped in the car Charles had waiting for me, his most trusted security guard Benny is the only one allowed to drive me around. I can honestly say he does not play about me one bit.

Benny got out and open the door for and also helped me into the car. "Greetings Benny" I said while getting situated into my seat.

"Greetings Paris" Benny responded while closing the back passenger door. "Which mall will be exploring today madam?"

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