9. What Happens In The Dark Comes To Light

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I'm sitting at the table waiting for Paul to open his mouth but he's just looking like deer stuck in headlights. His eyes are diverting from me to Mercedes and back again. His forehead looks like he just got out the shower from the way he's perspirating. Mercedes looking at him confused as hell and a part of me feels sorry for her. Then again I don't, she had to have suspected something...anything. It's been 6 years, maybe she just deals with the lifestyle of being a "Hustlers wife" as they say. Whatever the fuck that's suppose to mean.

"So since the cat got his tongue I guess I'll be the barrel of bad news." I said with a chuckle. Mercedes turned her head towards Paul who was staring at the ground.

"Paul and I met about 6 going on 7 years ago and have been in a relationship. He's been lying to the both of us." I said basically summing everything up.

"YOUR LYING!" Mercedes yelled unexpectedly.

"I'm lying Paul?" I asked staring daggers into his eyes. Of course the bitch in him looked away and shook his head yeah.

"See, your deranged." Mercedes said walking in the living reaching for her purse, pulling out her cell phone. "I'm calling the police."

"Call them, I didn't break in, YOU LET ME IN!" I said with the duh look on my face. "In the meantime I have a bullshit love story to tell." I said looking at Paul who was still avoiding eye contact.

"Remember in February when Paul left the day after valentine's day. He probably told you he was on a business trip or meeting with a connect." I said looking in her face for a reaction. " Uhh, Nooo, he wasn't." I said in a bitch I know so tone.

"We were in Miami celebrating valentine's day, he told me was had to celebrate late because of moves he had to make out in Jamaica for a connect. I'm sure now it was because he had to treat his wife first." I said laughing while shaking my head.

"Paul?" Mercedes said looking at Paul like one of those actors on the soap opera's my mom use to watch.

"No, wait let me finish. How about last year November the weekend of the the 8th. He probably told you a lie on why he had to go out of town again. Well the truth is my birthday was the 11th and we left to Brazil until the 15th." I said rubbing my temples, I was starting to get a headache. Why did I even come here? I had my answers, well suspicions but I was still right. "Shall I continue?" I asked looking at Paul who still hasn't said a word.

"No I think you should just go." He said barley above a whisper.

"GO! Mother fucker I aint going nowhere until I get answers. You lied to me for 6 years, told me you wanted to marry me and have kids." I said shaking my head. "For what? You have everything you ever said you couldn't wait to do with me. You really expect me to just go?" I said getting up from my seat and getting in his face.

"YOU'VE ALREADY GOT THE ANSWERS YOU WANTED!" Paul yelled. "Yes I'm married, yes I have children and yes our 6 years was all just a lie." He said while staring at his wife. "I love Mercedes, she's everything I want and ever wanted. You was fun, adventurous, love to travel and that's exactly what my life was missing at the time. I'm sorry, now please just go!"

Those words felt like someone stabbing me in my back. This is the same man that was so romantic, comforting, understanding, taking me on trips, showering me in the most expensive and lavish gifts. He had me feeling like I was the only women that mattered. I was where he wanted to be more importantly needed to be and now he wants to tell me I was never shit but fun. Our "relationship" was nothing but fun and please just go? Oh hell nahh!

"Paul...you cheated on me for 6 FUCKING YEARS?" Mercedes asked like we weren't all having this conversation together. With her nose flaring up and her face turning red hot. "6 FUCKING YEARS! Adventures, fun and traveling is what you needed? BUT YOU DIDN'T THINK TO ASK YOUR FUCKING WIFE?" Mercedes said while slapping the dog shit out of Paul. A tear slide down her face but she quickly wiped it away.

"Mercedes let me explain, I was wrong and I know that but I love you and promise it won't happen again. Trust me baby" Paul said giving Mercedes pleading eyes.

"Trust you? TRUST YOU?" Mercedes said like she was tryna to comprehend what Paul just said. "I've trusted you with everything, your my first and only everything! I've given you EVERY FUCKING THING, and you do this to me?" Mercedes said pacing back and forth. "I should stab yo bitch ass." She said laughing while lunging for the knife set.

I forgot Charles was here until he grabbed Mercedes wrist to stop her from stabbing Paul. "I love you Mercedes, I want to be with you. Please stop I'm sorry baby." Paul said while trying to get close to Mercedes.

"Fuck you!" Mercedes said barley above a whisper. "Did you love me while you were sexing her? Did you love me while you were going on trips? Did you love me while you were promising her everything you vowed to me" She said totally breaking down.

"I'm sorry sunset." Paul said in the saddest voice I've ever heard come out his mouth.

"Fuck you and that stupid ass nickname! Get the fuck out of my house!" Mercedes said calmly, walking towards the foyer.

She opened the door and looked at Paul, Charles and I like bitch get to moving. I was the first to step forward I was ready to get the hell out of dodge anyway. "Don't ever come to home again, or it will be a problem." Mercedes whispered to me while I walked by her.

"Noted." I said really not giving a fuck. Today was too much for me, I was hoping my assumptions were wrong but they were definitely right on the nose. I walked down the driveway thinking hard about the last 6 years and how I've giving so much to someone that didn't deserve it and never really wanted it. I got to my car, got in and just sat there trying to stop the tears that were burning my eyes from falling.

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