6. Ready, Set, Go

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Once I got to the safe room with aunty Nez I started wondering how the fuck did Benji know where to find me and who my boyfriend was? Shit just wasn't adding up, I've never seen that man a day in my life but he knew exactly where to come. Why was I the only one in the living room with a gun in their face and aunt Nez was in the kitchen? Right then a light bulb went off in my head.

"Aunty Nez do you know Benji?" I asked really not wanting to know the answer to the question.

"Wh-what? N-no why you ask that?" She said stuttering a little too much for my liking.

"Aunty Nez your lying" I said backing away from her. "You know that man, you let him in without a fight. It's not like he ambushed you to get in. Now tell me why he was looking for Charles" I demanded. I'm so tired of people using me for their own sick purposes and treating me any type of way.

"Paris, Benji is my ex, when he seen you and Charles together he started asking questions. Weird questions, like were yall together and wanting to know his schedule. If his trap houses were still in the same place, where he lived and if he had any kids or a baby mother." She said shaking her head.

"It freaked me out so I fell back and started ignoring his phone calls and texts. He gave off this eery, creepy feeling. Like I just knew something wasn't right." She said now pacing. "He texted me yesterday and said he had some information I asked him for months ago, I should've known it was a setup but I needed that information so I invited him over."

"What was the information." I asked wondering why she didn't just have Paul get it. He always have his ear to the streets, he's like the street library. He knows everything and if he doesn't know he can definitely find out.

"If Paul really has a wife, and how long they've been married. How many kids he has and the ages." She said crying.

"What do you mean Aunty Nez, I thought you said you and Paul been together for 6 years." I said while walking up to her.

"We have but something isn't right. He turns off his phone every night after 7:30pm except on weekends. He hasn't invited me to meet any family gatherings expect his mother fourth of July BBQ years ago. She was giving me this weird look while constantly asking about a woman named Mercedes." She said punching a wall. "I haven't been to his house, only to his crash spot. I can tell because every time we get there we have to order out because his food is either expired or there's nothing there all together."

"He has these kids names tatted on his chest but insist their his niece's and nephew's when I know for a fact his sister doesn't have any girls, only 3 boys." She said finally sitting back down.

"How do you know that?" I asked sitting next to her.

"My hairstylist Courteney is Paul's sister." She said laughing. "She doesn't know anything about me because Paul never mentioned me I guess."

"Why didn't you just get the information you need from her then?" I asked confused as to why she would go out her way when she had one of his family member in her reach.

"Every time I ask her something about him, she down plays it. Everything about him is a secret, which I understand why. With the business he's in, you don't want an enemy to know you have a family because they become a target just to get to you."

"So if you have so many clues pointing out what you already know why do you need proof?" I asked not really trying to be mean but why look for information when everything else already states the obvious.

"I don't know, cause I love him I guess." She said shaking her head. "But being in love almost got us killed though. I was using Benji for my own purposes and he was using me"

"Do you want me to find out the information from Charles?" I really didn't want to put my nose where it didn't belong but if it really means that much to aunt Nez I'll try to figure as much out as I can.

"I doubt if he'll tell you anything but you can try baby." She giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Ohkay I'll see wh-" I got cut off by my phone ringing. It was Charles calling to tell me we can come out now, everything's safe and the clean up crew was on their way.

"We can go out now, everything's clear" I said to aunt Nez while getting up off the bed.

"Go head baby, I'm going to chill in here for a while. The code is 090264" She said while laying back massaging her temples.

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