10. Made Your Bed Now Lay Your Head

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*2 Week Later*


Hearing what happen at Paul house was just jaw dropping. How do you live double lives for almost 7 years. Aunty Nez hasn't returned any of my phone calls and every time I pop up over her house she's never home... or just not opening the door. I asked Charles if he knew about it and of course he said no but his body language told a different story. I wonder how my aunt is feeling right now. I mean I know she suspected it for a while but to have the truth smack you in the face is a whole another feeling.

"Baby, what you thinking about?" Charles said looking at me side ways.

"Nothing, just missing my aunt." I said while finishing up my makeup. "I wish she'll call me, I know she hurting but damn, don't shut me out"

"People deal with things how they know how to deal with them. Maybe being alone is what's best for her right now, maybe she needs time to think and come to grips with everything." He said while rubbing me back and giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah, I guess your right!" I said while walking in the closet to pick my outfit for the day. I poked my head back out "You just don't try that shit, cause I'm going to do more than cry and isolate myself. I'm coming for blood, tears and... your dick!" I said laughing but dead ass serious!


Everything has been a blur lately. I always thought people that claim they couldn't function after a break up was just bullshit. Just so happens reality is showing me that shit really happens. I can't eat, sleep and sometimes when I think about it I can't breathe. Paul really lied to me half of our marriage, just for something fun. Why didn't he come to me and say something? He'd rather live a double life than to communicate with me? Nigga really got me feeling like I'm the problem when it's his bitch ass.

It's been 2 weeks since I found out the truth. I kicked Paul out and been a couch monkey, unless I really had to go outside. I'm not gonna lie I miss him but I can't deal with him. Maybe if it was a short affair I wouldn't be this hurt but he's been lying, scheming, cheating and deceiving me for 6-7 years. I feel so played and it doesn't make it any better Miracle and Jr keep asking when daddy's coming home and I don't have a answer for them. In all honesty I don't think I want him back at all.

Walking into the foyer I see his black Escalated pull up to the gate. I laughed while I watched his silly ass trying to input the old code. Like did he really think he was gonna come back and everything was gonna be peachy? He hasn't even called or text since Inez came & blew shit up! I mean I do know why. He thinks if he gives me enough time and space, I won't go off on his ass when he finally "wants to talk about it"... WRONG!! He should have stood up like a man and admitted his wrong but no he held his head low and walked out the door and said nothing.

My phone started ringing snapping me out of my thoughts. Of course it's Paul but am I really ready to talk to him. Do I want to deal with this head strong and work things out? Or do I want to run and get divorced. I'm so hurt I don't know what I want to do, but if he's lied to me for almost 7 years why should I try to work things out. He had plenty of opportunities to tell me and plenty of time to break things off with her. It was so easy for him to have sex and spend time with her then come home to me like nothing happen, like it was second nature. All wrapped up in my thoughts I missed both of his calls and by the time I looked back up his car was gone.

Being lonely and tired of sitting in my misery, I called my best friend Bella. We've been friends for about 18 years even though we don't get together as often as we use to. No matter what, when or why I need her, she's there and vice versa. I told her what happened and she eagerly agreed to fly out here from Texas to be with me. Checking the time I grab my car keys to pick her up from the airport.

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