5. You Wanna Play A Game

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Ever since I used Ricky as target practice and help burn the house down I've been feeling myself. Can't nobody tell me shit, I'm definitely "That Bitch." Charles has even bought me my own gun and taught me how to bag and weight work and weed. I thought I was scared to do any of this but it's just coming so natural. I'm starting to think I was made for this shit. I think I can get use to being a hustler's girlfriend or wife as Charles calls it.

Aunt Nez and I are enjoying our Saturday movie night. She bought two boxes of pizzas, a bunch of snacks and two new movies "The Last Witch Hunter" and " Fantastic Four"

I was so into the movie I didn't even hear the knock on door or notice aunt Nez get up to answer it. Suddenly I feel these big hands wrap around my neck and a metal steel against my head. "Call your little boyfriend and tell him to come over." This deep voice said. "Dont try no funny shit either." The man breathe reeked of cheap liquor and cigarettes.

Grabbing my phone and watching the man's every movement while he went to sit in front of me. I did as I was told but not showing once of fear. Charles always says people can smell fear, and it makes them paranoid and powerless when they can't intimidate you. Waiting for the phone to ring I contemplated on how fast can I grab my pistol that was under the cushion and blow this muthafuckas head off.

Just as I was about to make my move Charles answered. "Hey baby, wassup" I could hear the loud music in the background indicating that he was either at Black house playing the game or in his car riding somewhere.

"King I need you to come over here now, I miss you" I said while playing with the ends of my hair.

"What's wrong? You didn't call me Charles and you know I hate when you call me King unless it's businesses." He said while turning the music down.

"King just come and bring my pretty ass dogs with you." Smirking I mouthed to the intruder "you happy now" the stupid muthafucka shook his head yes.

"Something's up I'll be there in 10 mins" and with that he hung up. I placed my phone on the side of me and just stared into space.

"Bitch what he say?" The man asked. He better hope Charles kills him because if he gets tied up and tortured Ima cut his dick off very slowly.

"He's handling something he said a half an hour" I lied that way they wouldn't know when he's actually coming.

I started looking around for Aunty Nez but can't see her because the pillar that divides the living room from the kitchen is blocking my vision. "Aunty Nez are you ok?" I said starting to sense something is wrong.

"I'm fine baby girl just do whatever he tells you too" she said with shakiness in her voice. I nodded my head like she could see me silently hoping Charles hurry the fuck up.


"Aye yo we gotta go, NOW!" I said while snatching the video game out the socket and throwing it across the room.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Black said looking at me like I lost my fucking mind.

"Somethings wrong with Paris b and I've been trying to get yall attention for the last 2 minutes now." Grabbing my coat and car keys off the table. "NOW GET THE FUCK UP AND LET'S GO!" I yelled while snatching the door open and storming out.

I went to the back of the house to the shed that was hid behind some trees and bushes and grabbed every gun that had extended clips along with the silencers. I don't know how many people is there, what type of protection they have or what the fuck is going on.

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