4. Moving Too Fast

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The other night with Charles scared the hell out of me. I've been ignoring his phone calls and texts because I just don't know if I'm ready to be a hustler's girlfriend. I talked to my aunt Nez about it and come to find out Paul does the same thing. He's Charles uncle and actually works for him as a hit man/distributor. He makes drops by day and kills the people that are suppose to be "untouchable" by night. I asked her how was she able to deal and cope with what he does for a living she simply said love baby girl, love. I care about Charles a lot but I can't say that I love him. I mean I definitely have love for him but I'm not in love with him...yet.

I definitely miss him though. From the way he looks at me with those pretty brown eyes, to how he treats me like I'm the only girl in the world. Shit I even miss the way he smells and hearing baby girl roll off his tongue. Just thinking about him makes me wet. I wanna call him but I'm scared he's already moved on and forgot about me.. I'm lying that niggas call me everyday even though I haven't been answering.

"Paris" Aunty Nez called from the staircase.

"Coming" I said jumping down off my bed and slipped my house shoes on. Jogging down the stairs I hear two familiar voices but it didn't hit me who it was until I made it all the way downstairs.

"Hi Paul." I said while smiling and waving which he returned. "Charles why are you here?" I said while faking an attitude like I wasn't just thinking bout his ass.

"I missed you. You haven't been returning any of my phone calls or text. I want to know how your feeling and what your thinking." he said while scratching the back of his head.

"I need time to think, the other night was a hard pill to swallow." I noticed Paul and Aunty Nez a little too into our conversation. "Come on, come upstairs."

Following me upstairs Charles grabbed and squeezed my ass, I smirked and swatted his hand away. Walking into my room, I closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed while he sat in the desk chair.

"Honesty I don't know how I feel or what I'm thinking. I know I like you alot and you give me this weird tingling feeling when I'm around you. Something like butterflies I guess you can say but I don't know if I'm cut out to be a hustler's girlfriend." I said while avoiding his gaze.

"We can take things slow Paris. I mean I never wanted you to find out the way you did that night, I was gonna eventually tell you but I just didn't know how or when." Grabbing my face he gave me the kiss I've been yearning for, for 3 days now.

Breaking the kiss I looked everywhere but his face. "You need a girl that able to ride for you. Someone street smart and book smart. A girl that knows about guns, able to shoot and have your back at all times. If something crazy happened while we're together I'm just going to hyperventilate and cry" I said while chuckling even though I was dead ass serious.

"You're the girl I need Paris. Your already book smart, hell how many people you know that can skip almost a week of school every week and still maintain A's and B's? Everything else I can show you bae. I can teach you about the streets, about guns and how to shoot. I can show you how to be everything I need. Just don't give up on us before we even have a chance to begin." He sounded so sincere and I really do miss him being around. Maybe giving this a try wouldn't hurt.

"Okay, but let's continue to take things slow." I said while finally looking into his eyes. "Let's start by going to a gun range and teaching me how to shoot.

"How about we go have target practice on a real live target." He said while standing up fixing his shirt.

Feeling my anxiety kick in I agreed before I chickened out.

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