Chapter 1

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That day that forever changed my life started in the weirdest way possible. I was sweaty, hot, dressed in dirt-stained clothes, and heading to get bird seed. I had noticed that my bird feeders were looking empty, so of course, I went straight to the garage for a refill. As I was about to turn the corner into the garage, I heard a car coming down my gravel driveway. I looked up and saw a black SUV rolling toward me. I wasn't expecting anyone, plus, I didn't know anyone who drove a car like that. "It must be a wrong address," I thought to myself. I turned into the garage and scooped a few cupfuls of birdseed. While I was on the fourth scoop, though, I heard the car door open and shut. Still holding the seed, I walked out to meet whoever was invading my driveway. When my eyes met his, the birdseed fell from my hand and fell all over the ground.

Liam Miller.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"I came back for you, Kitty." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. 

"You weren't supposed to come back." I felt my eyes stinging. When we were 14, Liam and I dated for five months. It was great. Then, he and his family moved to Arkansas, which was far away from my home in Washington. We both agreed a long-distance relationship wouldn't work, so we said goodbye and moved on. At least, I moved on. I've had a few boyfriends since then, but none of them were very serious, and I hadn't had one in three years. 

"What do you mean, Kitty?" he asked me.

"Okay, first of all, stop calling me Kitty. My name is Kate. Second, I don't have time for a boyfriend right now!"

"C'mon, Kitt- I mean Kate. I won't be much work!"

"No! Liam, look. I'm 24 now. I have a job and college to balance. Every day I have to do all the cooking, cleaning, and yard work on the weekends. I've been living here for four years, and Cynthia has been living here for three, and-" Oops. I wasn't planning on mentioning Cynthia. 

"Wait, you're lesbian?" Liam asked.

"No, I -" I tried to explain, but he cut me off. 

"Well, then who the heck is she?" He sounded furious now. I felt hesitant to answer, but I also felt like I had to at this point. 

"Cynthia Brown," I told him. I knelt down to start scooping the birdseed back into the cup. I refused to look at him, knowing this could get very awkward very fast. 

"I'm sorry, Cynthia Brown?" He was yelling. "Cynthia Brown as in our 8th grade English teacher? THAT Cynthia Brown?"

Yup, I made a mistake. In a sarcastic voice, I said, "No, I meant the lady who works at the general store in town. OF COURSE our 8th grade English teacher. Do you know anyone else by that name?" He looked utterly astonished. I had finished scooping birdseed now. 

"Come with me," I told him. In silence, he followed me back around the house and watched me refill the bird feeders. I beckoned him inside and made two mugs of steaming hot tea. 

Yours Truly, KateWhere stories live. Discover now