Chapter 3

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I got into my car, and I drove. I didn't think about Liam, I didn't think about Cynthia. I was focused on getting from Point A to Point B.  When I got to the doctor's office, I parked and texted Cynthia where I was. She got into the car, and we didn't speak to each other until we made it home. I stopped her from getting out of the car and explained the situation to her. She thought for a few moments, and then said,

"Maybe he will be good for you." I tried to take that in while she exited the car and entered the house. How in the world could he be good for me? He's just another mouth to feed. Another person to keep happy. I came inside and found Liam slicing the pizza on the counter. I got out some plates and cups. I called Cynthia for dinner. We all sat quietly across the table from each other. Liam and Cynthia politely made small talk. Liam told her about Arkansas, and Cynthia told him about things that happened before the accident. I hadn't told her that Liam knew about her illness. I could tell that keeping up a happy face was tiring her. After dinner, Liam helped me clean up, and Cynthia announced that she was going to bed early. 

While I was doing the dishes, Liam finally spoke up. 

"Is she always like that?" he asked. He stopped what he was doing and started staring off into space. 

"Like what?" I pretended not to know what he was talking about. 

"I mean, is she always so...perky?" I sighed. 

"No. Normally I'm lucky to make it through a full meal without her beginning to cry to excusing herself early. When she's outside is when I can almost see the same woman I met twelve years ago." Suddenly I found myself with tears welling in my eyes. I wiped them away so Liam couldn't see. Stupid tears. I then excused myself to take Cynthia her medications. 

I walked into her room and found her sitting on her bed, just as expected. I placed the pills on her lap and handed her a glass of water. I watched as she took them one by one. Normally when she was done, I kissed her forehead and made my leave. This time, though, I stayed. I sat down next to her and I cried. I cried out all of the emotions of the day. Frustration at Liam, unfeeling in the car, sad at the recollections of Cynthia. 

The first surprise was that I let myself cry in front of someone, let alone Cynthia. The second was when I felt her arms wrap around me and envelop me in a warm embrace - something she hadn't done in years. I don't know how long we sat there like that. It could have been second, minutes, hours, days for all I care. All I know is that I wish we could have stayed like that forever. 

Yours Truly, KateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ