Chapter 11

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After I left Cynthia's room, I helped Liam make lunch. 

We were happily chatting about all kinds of stuff, but mostly catching up on the last ten years of each other's lives. We were talking about my parents when the conversation ran out, and I saw my opportunity.

"Liam...thanks for taking us to church today. I really liked it."

"You're welcome. I felt bad that you'd lost your relationship with God. You were so in love with him when we were dating."

"It's kind of hard to love a God who brings so much pain to someone you love so much." I thought of Cynthia. 

"Come on, Kate. You know better than that. Liam stopped cutting tomatoes for our sandwiches. 

"It's different for you because you weren't ever close to Cynthia. You aren't 24 and taking care of someone whose sorrow could have been prevented. You just don't know what it's like!"

Liam grabbed my hand. He stepped closer to me and looked straight into my eyes. His were a beautiful, clear blue. Mine were probably red from the tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"I don't know everything," he said.

"but of two things I'm sure. I'll see the goodness of God in the Land of the Living, and I love you."

That's when he kissed me.

Surprisingly, I didn't fight back. I let it happen.

And I remembered why we'd dated, even if it had been so many years ago. 

Liam hadn't changed a bit. 

"I love you, Kitty," he said, still staring into my eyes.

"I love you too."

When we came apart, my tears were gone, along with any chances of my eating lunch.

Yours Truly, KateWhere stories live. Discover now