Chapter 9

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The next week went by quickly. I had work Tuesday through Saturday, but Liam was still home doing chores and taking care of Cynthia. On top of that, my Bible had successfully stayed hidden. That is, until Saturday night.

I had worked a lunch shift that day, and when I got home, I helped Liam make dinner. Cynthia excused herself to her room afterward. 

She'd finished Anne of Green Gables and was reading more and more books.

It was around 9:00 at night; Liam and I were watching a movie in the living room (he'd since taken up living in the "office" which was really just an extra bedroom). We were both laughing at the movie when Cynthia came out of her room. She was holding a blanket in one hand and the Bible I'd stashed in the other. 

"Is everything okay, Cynthia?" Liam asked, pausing the movie. 

"I was getting an extra blanket and found this inside of it." Liam looked at me. 

"It was me," I told them. I provided no further explanation. Both Liam and Cynthia just stared at me for a while before Liam said,

"Speaking of the Bible, where and when are we going to church tomorrow?" 

Cynthia and I looked at each other nervously. She muttered something about being tired and left the room.

"So?" Liam asked expectantly. 

"We actually haven't gone to church in a few years," I told him, feeling embarrassed.

"A few YEARS? Well, that settles it. We're going. Be ready to leave tomorrow morning at 9:00 am sharp."

We finished the rest of the movie in silence. 

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