Chapter 6

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The next morning, I woke to find that my alarm clock had been unplugged. I looked at my phone. It read 9:37. I was supposed to take Cynthia to an appointment at 10:00. That meant I had 23 minutes to get out the door. I quickly threw on shorts and a tee-shirt, pulled my hair up, and dashed out into the kitchen. 

I had planned on grabbing a banana and then helping Cynthia get ready while drinking cold leftover coffee. Instead, I found Liam at the stove frying bacon. There was a huge stack of pancakes on a plate next to him. Cynthia was sitting at the table drinking coffee and munching on a piece of bacon. I was looking around at the scene, baffled. I must have been making a face because Liam said,

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just, I'm not going to have time to eat. I have to take Cynthia to her appointment."

"No, you don't. I'm taking her."

"How'd you know?"

"You literally have a schedule on the fridge titled 'Cynthia's Appointments'."

"Oh, yeah. Maybe I should come just in case," I told him. I moved to get my car keys. He jumped in front of them.

"Kate, please just let me do this." I thought for a moment. I looked at Cynthia. She had finished her bacon and was now watching Liam and me.

"Cynthia, what do you think?" I asked her. I felt certain she would take my side. 

"I think you should take the day off," she said as she took her mug to the sink. Then she came over to me and kissed my cheek. 

I just stood there, my mouth open, while she and Liam left. 

Yours Truly, KateWhere stories live. Discover now