Confusion ending

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Stanley blinked awake as sight returned to him. To his surprise, he found himself in his office once again. Had it all been a dream? Did he accidentally fall asleep at his desk? He secretly hoped so even though if he did he had risked getting fired. Stanley walked to the office door and opened it. When he stepped outside, his coworkers were still not there. 

"All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean? Stanley decided to go to the meeting room; perhaps he had simply missed a memo." 

Wait a minute. Hadn't Stanley done this before? Why was it repeating all over again? Confused, Stanley didn't move. 

"Alright. Stanley, i once again understand your confused. Didn't I already say this was a game? A story? Does that ring any bells? A story can be told multiple times. A game can be played multiple times. Think of it that way, alright? Now, let's move on" 

Stanley, feeling a small amount of existential dread, decided to carry on. He continued through the rooms until he reached the two doors. Not wanting to be rude, Stanley waited for the Narrator to speak. 

"When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left."

Stanley took a moment to consider. Should he actually be obedient this time. But there were so many unanswered questions. So many choices. So this time, out of sheer curiosity, Stanley chose the door on his right. 

"This was not the correct way to the meeting room, and Stanley knew it perfectly well. Perhaps he wanted to stop by the employee lounge first, just to admire it." 

Stanley overheard the Narrator mumble to himself. 

"Seriously? This again? God dammit Stanley."

Feeling a small twinge of annoyance, Stanley walked into the employees lounge. And just before the Narrator could speak, he left, going down the long hallway. 

"But eager to get back to business, Stanley took the first open door on his left." 

This time, Stanley actually listened. He walked into the door on his left and started walking down the dark hall. 

"And so he detoured through the maintenance section, walked straight ahead to the opposite door, and go back on track."

Halfway through, Stanley noticed a lift. Curiosity pulled him in and before he knew it, he was on the lift going down. The darkness swallowed him completely and for a short while, he couldn't see. 

"But Stanley didn't want to back to the office, he wanted to wander about and got even further off track. So now in order to get back, he need to go, um... uh..."

Stanley could see why the Narrator was a bit stumped. In the room he had entered there were multiple doors. 

"Hm hm hm hm, from here it's, um... left."

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