Narrator POV: Museum Ending.

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After the ending... 

The Narrator was backed into a corner, incredibly freaked out and confused. He was currently being stared down at (actually, they're both the same height, it's just that the male narrator is kinda cowering so the female narrator is currently taller) by a woman who had suddenly taken control of his story as Stanley was about to die. This woman had blonde, puffed out, afro like hair and was wearing glasses similar to his own. She was also wearing a gray suit, black jeans, and high heels. In a way, this woman reminded the Narrator of himself. Her hair was slightly unkept and she had a drained look in her eyes. "U-umm" the Narrator stuttered, crouching down lower "who are you? Why are you in my house?". The woman backed up a bit and said "Sorry about the intrusion but it was my job to.". She then reached out her hand to help the Narrator. The Narrator shakily took the woman's hand and stood up. The woman must have noticed the look on the Narrator's face so she said "I'm surprised you don't recognize me Nar. Has it been that long?". The Narrator blinked, surprised. "How... How do you-". "How do i know your name? Oh come on! You don't remember your good old friend Tor?" The woman said teasingly. "Wait a minute? Tor?!" said the Narrator. Now, i know you must be confused. So lets go back in time for a little bit. Despite Nar and Tor not being completely human, they still engaged in human activity's. Once upon a time they were children and they had to go to school. That's where the two met, in elementary. Neither of them are what you would call 'popular' so they hung out a lot. Now back to the present. A small smug smile appeared on Tor's face. "Seems like you took a downgrade, is this a house or a dumpster?" she said. The Narrator didn't appreciate this. If he had the time to, he would take better care of himself. But he didn't. "I see you haven't changed" he replied. "Hell no I haven't" Tor said, grabbing the Narrator by the arm and dragging him closer to her. Slightly uncomfortable, the Narrator tried to move away, but Tor kept an arm around his shoulder. "I never expected you to be a narrator!" she said "What gave you the idea?". The Narrator gave a small shrug, taking Tor's arm of his shoulder and sat down on his bed. He had find some time to make it, but that's all he's done to clean up his house. Tor sat down next to him and started a pretty one sided conversation, with the Narrator only occasionally nodding every once in a while. "So, if you're a narrator" the Narrator said when he had a moment to speak "Who are you narrating?". "Oh, well, you've only seen her briefly. You heard of anyone named Mariella?" Tor replied. the Narrator blinked. He was unaware that he had at one point started narrating for Tor's person while Stanley was 'dead'.  "Did... did you hear me narrating her? Because I have once" he said. A smile grew on the other narrators face. "Yeah, I did! It's kinda what got me here" she said "One day, usually all i see is white void when i look outside, but that day, I saw a house. Your house to be exact". The Narrator stood up and looked outside the window in his living room. To his surprise, he saw a house that looked very similar to his. "That house is yours?" He asked. Tor nodded. "You, know. You say I took a downgrade" the Narrator said "But so did you according to your old standards". His friend gave him a small look. "Are you just saying that just because i did as well?" she said. "No, seriously Tor. You look like bootleg Reeter Skeeter from Harry Potter." the Narrator replied, a small smile escaping him. Tor let out a fake offended gasp, causing Nar to laugh a bit.  After a little while, the Narrator suddenly remembered Stanley. Was he ok? Was he just standing there waiting for the Narrator? Or did he log out. While Tor was in another room, the Narrator sat back down at his desk and tried looking for Stanley on his computer. 

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