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Stanley woke up in his office as per usual. He wondered what to do now. He took a glance around his office. It looked slightly different now. He had push pinned the letter with all the achievements to the wall. Next to it was the mask he found while following the adventure line™. He had added small notes to the letter, crossing out the achievements he had already done. But, he had started using the pen the Narrator gave him. Why had he kept it? He had a bunch of other pens already. But Stanley's conscious was telling him to use this average pen with black ink. For a moment, Stanley stared at the pen, his mind blank. Finally, he pocketed it and looked at the letter. According to the letter, the next thing he had to do was go to his bosses office and just type "8" into the keypad over and over. Seemed simple enough. Stanley walked all the way through the door on the left, through the meeting room, up the stairs, and into his bosses office. The second Stanley was in the boss's office, he walked over to the keypad and typed in '8888'. Nothing happened. Wondering why it didn't work, Stanley tried again. He typed in '8888'. Suddenly, the number '8' popped out of thin air, along with the sound of someone saying '8'. Was that seriously all this achievement was?

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