eleven | gotta go my own way

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Chapter Eleven:
Gotta Go My Own Way

"LUCE, DO YOU want to come with us to get coffee?" Nini asked after rehearsal that day. Lucy sighed and shook her head.

"No thanks, I'm sorry. I should, make sure Ricky's okay," Lucy explained. "But we can go out for breakfast tomorrow morning? Me, you, and Kourtney? I don't want you to think I'm ditching you for Ricky. He's just going through a lot right now—"

Nini smiled and placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder, "I understand, Luce. You're a great friend. I'll talk to Kourt about breakfast tomorrow, alright?"

Lucy smiled thankfully at her and nodded in agreement. Nini gave her a hug and Lucy squeezed her tightly.

"I love you so much. You're gonna get through this, love," Lucy muttered to Nini. Nini felt tears pool in her eyes at Lucy's words and gave her an equally tight hug.

"I love you too, Luce," Nini mumbled into her shoulder. The two girls released each other and bid one another goodbye. Lucy stood outside Miss Jenn's office, waiting for Ricky to step out so she could take him out to get his mind off things.

Down the hall Ej saw Lucy standing there, and he started to make his way over, but just as he was about to, Ricky stepped out of the office. Lucy stood up straighter when she saw the younger boy and he paused when he saw her. Lucy tilted her head at him sympathetically and pulled him into a hug. Ej frowned and let out a sigh, turning and walking away from the sight.

"Come on, let's go get you something to eat," Lucy assured him. Lucy took Ricky out to get dinner, the two of them sitting in her car eating some sort of fast food they picked up on the way out of school.

"I just, I don't know what happened," Ricky sighed, playing with one of his fries before finally popping it in his mouth.

"Sometimes things don't necessarily happen. You just, lose feelings," Lucy shrugged, taking a sip of her milkshake.

"Did you? Lose feelings for Ej, I mean," Ricky asked suddenly. Lucy froze and stared at him in shock.

"I don't— how did you— Ej and I were never together," Lucy said, suddenly becoming very flustered by his questions.

"But you do like him? Or you did?" Ricky asked her gently. "I'm not saying this to make fun of you... I'm just... curious is all."

"I don't... I don't know anymore. I'm really upset with him right now, and— and he's with Nini! He likes Nini," Lucy shook her head.

"Yeah, he likes Nini, but he loves you," Ricky pointed out.

"He doesn't love me—"

"Lucy, you're blind. Everyone sees the way Ej looks at you," Ricky told her pointedly. Lucy rolled her eyes and shook her head, putting her drink back in the cup holders in the center console.

"Whatever you say, Bowen. This isn't about me though, sir. This is about you and what you're going through," Lucy reminded him, desperately trying to get away from this topic, Ricky sighed and leaned his head against the back of the seat.

"I just don't know what do about it all, Luce. It's all so messy," Ricky sighed. Lucy frowned at him and leaned her chin in her palm.

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