twelve | girls night

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Chapter Twelve:
Girls Night

"NINI, YOU'VE BEEN in there for ten minutes now," Kourtney called to the girl, Lucy was leaning against the sink of the bathroom while Kourtney did her makeup and Nini was doing something in one of the stalls. It had been a few days later and Lucy was still not fully sure how to talk to Nini and Kourtney about what she had talked to Ej about. So she just sat back and observed mainly.

"Yeah, babes, do you need me to go get the nurse?" Lucy questioned, looking up from her phone where her dad had sent her a meme he found on facebook because he thought it was funny. It wasn't really, but he was cracking up at it, which made it funny to Lucy.

"Too big to go down!" Nini grunted. Lucy and Kourtney shared a grimace.

"Top ten things I never wanna hear in a public bathroom," Kourtney muttered to herself. Lucy giggled in agreement as Kourtney looked under the door and stepped back.

"What are you—" Kourtney gasped and Lucy's jaw dropped as Nini turned back to look at them.

"I'm flushing my homecoming dress down the toilet," Nini admitted. Lucy and Kourtney both started to laugh, making Nini giggle too.

"Look, I know you're still mad at Ej, but there are healthier ways to move on!" Kourtney told her. Lucy smiled at the two amusedly.

"This is not mad. This is empowered," Nini corrected. "I'm done with boys who think they can control me and exes who can't even handle being friends. I am done with boys."

Nini kicked the handle on the toilet again and her dress released from the toilet. Lucy giggled and spoke up, "Preach girl."

"Nini, you need help," Kourtney chuckled as Nini put her dress in a clump in the sink.

"No you know what I need? Like actually need? A girl's night!" Nini declared turning to look at Kourtney and Lucy.

"Uh, didn't we do face masks and The Bachelorette last night?" Lucy reminded her.

"No. I'm talking about like a night on the town," Nini clarified. "I miss my bestie, and Lucy you haven't done an official night out with us yet!"

"Mmm. So it's like an anti-Homecoming Homecoming?" Kourtney questioned. Nini nodded and the two girls high fived, "I'm so down."

Lucy on the other hand was a little hesitant. It's not like she had a date, but it was her last homecoming, you know?

"Lucy, you in?" Nini asked hopefully. Lucy hesitated and bit her lip.

"Oh my god, this is your last homecoming!" Kourtney remembered. "Neens, we have to go—"

"No no no!" Lucy quickly stopped them. "It's okay. We can do a girl's night. I'm totally cool with that."

"Are you sure? We can always go as a group," Nini assured her.

"No, let's do this. Girls night, the three of us," Lucy agreed. Kourtney and Nini grinned at each other and Lucy intertwined her fingers with Nini and Kourtney's free ones. Suddenly a toilet flushed and the three teenagers turned to look at Miss Jenn who emerged from a stall.

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