Just another manic Monday.

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I woke up to the yelling of my mom and brothers and the sounds of things breaking. Nothing new here this happens almost everyday actually... Some people would be shocked by this, but because of this I could probably sleep through a train wreck (pfft I do sleep through a train wreck).


"TO ONLY USE THEM AT THE NEIGHBORS HOUSES!" One of my brothers shouted back.


That's my cue. Time to save my best friend and my other family from my real family.

I jumped and ran as fast as I could tripping on the old ripped up rug in mine and my brothers bedroom and crash landing in front of Rita. She laughed.

"Damn, that was funny! Do it again!" She demanded.

"You will not go to Sue's house, Wade!" I hissed at my brother ignoring Rita.

"Yes I will!" He laughed.

"If you do this Wade I will torture you I swear to God!" I growled.

"See the FedEx baby is one of us!" My brother Diaper (don't ask) laughed.

Wade took off out the front door, I followed suit, and my mom stood in the doorway yelling "Run, Wade, Run!"

No wonder all the neighbors hated us!

Wade made his way down the street, changed directions and headed right for the Heck's house with me on his tail. We made it to the front yard where I tackled him and ripped the hockey stick from his hands. I then walked into Sue's place holding said hockey stick.

"Morning!" I chirped at Mr. and Mrs. Heck tossing the hockey stick to the side.

"Save our house again?" Frankie asks.

"Yepp." I nod.

"K. Sue's in her room. And why aren't you dressed there's school today! You know what it's fine. Borrow something from Sue." Frankie waved me off and returned to whatever she was heating in the toaster oven.

I walked down the hallway and as I got to Sue's door Axl emerged from his room in just his boxers. I blushed a little. I'd always thought Axl was really cute.

"Hey, Maxi-pad! Nice jammies!" He joked pointing to my oversized van Halen t shirt and sleep shorts.

"Could say the same to you!" I giggled pointing to his boxers. He patted my back on his way to the kitchen.

"Sue, it's Ma-"

Sue ripped her door open and yanked me inside with a: "Hey, bestie!"

"Hey, bestie!" I laughed.

"So I know your mom says you don't need no charity, but I went through my clothes and was getting rid of some and wanted to 'gift' them to you." She smiled hanging me a box of clothing. "That way your mom can't be mad because it's a gift and not charity."

"Thank you, Sue! That's very sweet! How about I pick out something from here to wear today," I pulled a fuzzy purple sweater with a giant unicorn face on the front out of the box, "um might be a bit warm for this today yeah?" I then pulled an old Orson high football shirt out. This one had to have been Axl's at some point. It was perfect. Next was a pair of light yellow jeans. They matched so I looked no more and began changing.

Maxine in the MiddleWhere stories live. Discover now